2023-w3885 - 20 December 2023

Mandisa Makesini to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What (a) urgent steps have been taken regarding the beneficiaries who have been on the national housing list from the late 1990s and early 2000s and have to date not been allocated houses and (b) are the reasons that there have been so many delays in allocating housing to such beneficiaries?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 20 Dec 2023

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Provincial Departments had their own waiting lists that were not digitised and were held in various offices.

a) Steps taken:

  1. The National Department has developed the National Housing Needs Register (NHNR) which is utilized at provincial and municipal level to enable citizens to register their need for adequate shelter.
  2. The Provincial Departments use the NHNR to identify ...
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2023-w4027 - 20 December 2023

Sbuyiselwe Angela Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether her department has any functional measures in place to combat intimidation and abuse faced by the municipal workers who report and attempt to report corruption and maladministration in municipalities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 20 Dec 2023

According to the Case Management Register for the past 3 financial years, including the current financial year the Department did not receive complaints or allegations from municipal officials relating to fraud, corruption and maladministration.

Municipal officials can report allegations of housing fraud and corruption by making use of the following reporting mechanisms:

  • DHS Special Investigations Directorate: 012 421 1503/1416/1535
  • DHS Call Centre: 0800 146 873 ...
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2023-w4170 - 20 December 2023

Sbuyiselwe Angela Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether her department has records of the number of (a) women, (b) youth and (c) previously homeless people who have been offered subsidized housing during 2019 – 2023 period; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 20 Dec 2023

According to information received from Provinces, the department received applications for housing assistance across provinces. Applications are selected and approved based on the government criteria from Municipalities for allocations on what is available for beneficiaries.

The list below provides information of Women, Youth headed households and previously homeless people who have been living in informal settlements with no proper houses.

EASTERN CAPE for the ...

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2023-w3697 - 14 December 2023

Machwene Rosina Semenya to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Considering that every government department is required to contribute to social and economic transformation through job creation and allocating a share of its budget to historically disadvantaged individuals, including the most vulnerable members of our society such as women, young persons, military veterans and people with disabilities, what (a) actions has her department taken to help create jobs and spend resources on procurement for black persons and vulnerable groups and (b) are the details of the achievements of the specified categories of disadvantaged populations since 2019?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 14 Dec 2023

(a) Actions taken by the National Department of Human Settlements to help create jobs and spend resources on procurement for black persons and vulnerable groups.

On 27 January 2022, Cabinet recommended that, all sector departments and State entities should prioritise mass employment. In response to this call, in February 2022, the Department issued a Circular to the Heads of Provincial Departments of ...

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2023-w4058 - 11 December 2023

Ntombi Valencia Khumalo to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether she will advise on the progress of the (a) management of the housing beneficiary list and (b) integrated National and/or Provincial lists; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; 2) How does she envisage the management of the housing lists in the interim?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 11 Dec 2023

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Provincial Departments had their own waiting lists that were not digitised and were held in various offices.

1) Progress:

a) The National Department has developed the National Housing Needs Register (NHNR) which is utilized at provincial and municipal level to enable citizens to register their need for adequate shelter. The Provincial Departments use the NHNR to identify ...

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2023-w4057 - 11 December 2023

Ntombi Valencia Khumalo to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What plans are in place to address the performance of her department about the issuing of Title Deeds throughout the Republic.

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 11 Dec 2023

The Human Settlements MinMec resolved on 15 September 2023 to launch Title Deed Fridays, a campaign dedicated to the issuing of title deeds to beneficiaries of state-subsidised housing by politicians and administrators at the national, provincial and local levels.

The Ministry and Department of Human Settlements keeps track of the number of title deeds on hand, title deeds handed over to municipalities and the ...

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2023-w3677 - 11 December 2023

Ntombi Valencia Khumalo to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What are the full relevant details of the measures that her department has taken to address the widespread challenges associated with the high number of abandoned housing projects due to the non-performance of contractors?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 11 Dec 2023

Following her assignment to the human settlements portfolio in 2021, Minister Kubayi declared the unblocking of human settlements projects as part of her apex priorities as these deny qualifying households their right to adequate housing and dignity. Thereafter the Minister directed her department and its sector partners (Provinces and Municipalities) to unblock all blocked or abandoned projects over a period of three financial years, ...

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2023-w3886 - 11 December 2023

Mandisa Makesini to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether, according to the recovery plan summary of the Free State presented by the Public Protector the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, which outlines the progress of the Township Establishment projects known as Greenfields development, the specified project is making progress, if not, what is the position in this regard: if so what (a) are the reasons that the expenditure is zero, (b) is the name of the contractor responsible for the project , (c) is the current progress percentage of the project and (d) is the name of each area that the project is operating in?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 11 Dec 2023

There is no Free State RecoveryPlan by Public Protector that am I aware of.

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2023-w3976 - 11 December 2023

Janho Engelbrecht to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether (a) she, (b) the Deputy Minister and (c) any other official in her department attended the Rugby World Cup final in France in October 2023, if not what is the position in this regard; if so what (i) are the relevant details of each person in her department who attended the Rugby World Cup, (ii) is the total number of such persons and (iii) were the total costs of (aa) travel, (bb) accommodation and (cc) any other related costs that were incurred by her department as a result of the trip(s)?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 11 Dec 2023

a) The Minister, (b) the Deputy Minister and (c) the departmental officials did not attend the Rugby World cup final in France in October.

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2023-w3696 - 11 December 2023

Mohatla Alfred Tseki to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether the memorandum of understanding between the National Housing Finance Corporation and the Department of Public Services and Administration has been signed regarding the Government Housing Scheme, which will make non-mortgage financing available to lower income government employees and give them access to First Home Finance to purchase houses in both urban and rural locations; if not, why not; if so, what total number of government employees are anticipated to gain from the revised First Home Finance policy?

Reply from the Minister of Human Settlements on 11 Dec 2023

a) Whether the memorandum of understanding between the National Housing Finance Corporation and the Department of Public Services and Administration has been signed regarding the Government Housing Scheme, which will make non-mortgage financing available to lower income government employees and give them access to First Home Finance to purchase houses in both urban and rural locations.

Yes, the National Housing Finance Corporation and the ...

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