NW2250E - 27 July 2012

Michael Waters to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

Whether the Gender and Sexual Orientation-based Violence Task Team (GSOVTT) has directly intervened in any hate crime cases since it was created; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW2252E - 27 July 2012

Deborah Anne Schäfer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether his department has conducted research, including comparative international trends in this regard, into the Report of the National Assembly on the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill (copy furnished); if not, (a) why not and (b) when will this research be conducted; if so, (a) when was this research completed, (b) what were the findings; (2) whether these findings will be tabled in the National Assembly; if not, why not; if so, (a) when and (b) what recommendations were made by his department based on (i) these findings and (ii) reservations expressed by Cabinet?

NW2215E - 27 July 2012

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) In respect of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act, Act 70 of 2002, (a) how much did his department pay and (b) what was the breakdown of such payments to each specified (i) postal service provider, (ii) telecommunications service and (iii) decryption key holder in the (aa) 2003-04, (bb) 2004-05, (cc) 2005-06, (dd) 2006-07, (ee) 2007-08, (ff) 2008-09, (gg) 2009-10, (hh) 2010-11 and (ii) 2011-12 financial years; (2) how much did his department pay in total to each specified (a) postal service provider, (b) telecommunications service and (c) decryption key holder during the period 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2012?

NW2210E - 27 July 2012

Shahid Esau to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him make payment to (i) suppliers and (ii) service providers within the 30 day payment period as specified by the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 1 of 1999; if not, in each case, (aa) how many service providers are awaiting payment, (bb) what is the monetary value of outstanding payments and (cc) how long is payment overdue; (2) whether (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him are liable for any interest charged on overdue payments in any of the cases mentioned; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (i) percentage and (ii) monetary value of interest charged; (3) whether (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him have negotiated revised payment schedules with each of the service providers mentioned; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details; (4) what are the reasons for (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him not making payment within 30 days as specified by the PFMA; (5) whether (a) his department and (b) all entities reporting to him have implemented any measures to (i) ensure full compliance with the PFMA and (ii) facilitate immediate payment for overdue accounts; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what are the relevant details?

NW2209E - 27 July 2012

Michael Waters to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether the Gender and Sexual Orientation-based Violence Task Team (GSOVTT) has been established; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date, (b) what is its budget, (c) what is its terms of reference, (d) what is the name of each person who serves on the task team on a (i) full-time and (ii) part-time basis and (e) in what capacity does each specified person serve on the task team; (2) whether the GSOVTT has held any meetings since its inception; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date and (b) at which venue was each specified meeting held, (b) who attended each specified meeting and (c) what issues were discussed at each specified meeting; (3) whether any departments have failed to attend any of the above meetings; if so, (a) which departments and (b) which meetings in each case; (4) whether the GSOVTT has been divided into subcommittees; if not, why not; if so, in each specified case (a) what is its (i) mandate and (ii) terms of reference, (b) what is the budget, (c) how frequently has it met, (d) who serves on the subcommittee and (e) who attended each specified meeting?

NW2118E - 27 July 2012

Petrus Johannes Groenewald to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether he intends to submit any amendments to legislation in the National Assembly, with concomitant amendments to rules or regulations, to ensure that officials’ legal costs that are paid by the state are recovered should such officials lose the lawsuit; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he will make a statement with regard to this matter?

CW410E - 22 June 2012

Mafemane Wilson Makhubela to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether persons who are implicated in financial misconduct by ignoring procurement regulations in five provincial departments in Limpopo will be prosecuted; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether there have been any successful convictions by the special courts that were established for these Section 100 interventions; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development on 22 Jun 2012

- I wish to inform the Honourable Member that: (1) Yes, persons who have been implicated in financial misconduct will be investigated and prosecuted. There are currently 33 cases opened with the South African Police Service (SAPS), and these cases are being investigated by the Directorate of Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI). Over and above the criminal investigations, there is an ongoing internal disciplinary investigation ...

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NW2100E - 22 June 2012

Luzelle Henrietta Adams to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

What (a) are the reasons for seconding a senior management staff member from his department to the Commission of Inquiry into allegations of fraud, corruption, impropriety or irregularity in the Strategic Defence Procurement Packages (SDPP) and (b) will the person’s role be on the Commission?

NW2067E - 22 June 2012

Deborah Anne Schäfer to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether a certain person (name furnished) was dismissed from the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) last year; if so, what are the (a) reasons for and (b) date of the dismissal; (2) whether the said person was re-employed at the SIU; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, why was the person re-employed; (3) whether the re-employment was in terms of a settlement agreement; if not, why not; if so, (a) why was the agreement entered into, (b) who entered into the agreement on behalf of the SIU, (c) what were the terms of the agreement, (d) how much (i) was this person paid and (ii) is this person currently paid, (e) on what date was the person re-employed and (f) in what position; (4) whether legal advice was sought in respect of the proposed settlement (a) internally and/or (b) externally; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) whether he discussed the re-employment of the said person with the Acting Head of the SIU; if not, why not; if so, what are the reasons?

NW2103E - 22 June 2012

Lulama Smuts Ngonyama to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development

(1) Whether her department has a list of names of Zimbabwean politicians and business people who are the subjects of international targeted sanctions; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether any of the named persons have any established and registered businesses in South Africa (a) directly, (b) by extension, (c) severally and (d) through 2nd or 3rd parties; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the (i) persons and (ii) companies concerned; (3) whether the Government intends indicting any of these persons whose names also appear on Amnesty International’s list for torture and harassment; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
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