2023-w2041 - 17 July 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)(a) Who approved the provision of a security detail for the Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Development Trust and (b) what are the details of the form that the procurement of the security services took; (2) whether a risk assessment was done prior to the decision being taken; if not, on what basis was the decision taken; if so, what are the details of the outcome of the assessment; (3) whether the need for the security detail will be regularly assessed; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date was the last assessment conducted, (b) what was the determination and (c) on what date will the next assessment be carried out; (4) what is the (a) duration of the contract and (b) total expenditure on the security detail to date?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 17 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure


(a) The Board of Trustees on the 26 August 2022, resolved to approve the provision of security for the Acting Chief Executive Officer (ACEO).

(b) The procurement process was undertaken through the IDT’s SCM processes allowing for urgency and a single source bid.

(2) The approval was granted based on the ACEO’s report tabled to the ...

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2023-w2132 - 17 July 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether, with reference to his recent budget vote speech, wherein he indicated that his department will review the accommodation provisions for Members of Parliament and the Executive, his department is providing any accommodation services to former members of the executive who were members of the apartheid government; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2421E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 17 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure does not provide any accommodation for former members of the executive who served in the apartheid government. There is no policy provision or law that provide for such.





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2023-w1830 - 17 July 2023

Cheryl Phillips to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether, with reference to the former minister’s reply to question 68 on 24 February 2023, wherein she confirmed that the department had informed her that the security companies engaged at Knoflokskraal had fulfilled their brief (details furnished), he will furnish Mrs C Phillips with the relevant details regarding the total number of (a) completed structures on the relevant properties when a certain security company (name furnished) took over on 29 July 2022, (b) half-completed structures demolished and/or removed by the specified company when they took over on the specified date and (c) completed structures on the relevant properties when the contract of the company expired on 29 August 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he will furnish Mrs C Phillips with the relevant details regarding the total number of (a) completed structures on the relevant properties when a different security company took over on 29 August 2022, (b) half-completed structures demolished and/or removed by the specified company when they took over on the specified date and (c) completed structures on the relevant properties when the contract of the company expired on 29 September 2022; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 17 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:


(a) The number of completed structures were not recorded on 29 July 2022. However, they were recorded during a count carried out by the Sheriff of the Court in August 2022 as 4880.

(b) No further demolitions were carried since February 2022.

(c) The number of structures were not recorded at the end of the security ...

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2023-w254 - 05 July 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)What (a) progress has been made on the recommendations contained in the Binder Dijker Otte (BDO) Report on the Review of Parliament Prestige Construction Projects Performance and (b) consequence management has been implemented following the fire at the Parliamentary precinct; (2) whether she is in possession of the follow-up report by BDO on the implementation of infrastructure; if not, (a) why not and (b) on what date is it envisaged she will receive the report; if so, (3) whether she will make the report available to Ms S J Graham; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure


(a) Attached please see progress update report made on the implementation of the recommendation by BDO

(b) The DPWI provided the fire damage report to the HAWKS as an input into the investigation into the Parliament Fire – DPWI awaits for the outcome of the independent investigation and apply consequences upon the outcome of the investigation ...

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2023-w1064 - 05 July 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether a site assessment has been conducted on the (a) station, (b) cells, (c) single quarters and (d) married quarters of the Brighton Beach Police Station; if not, on what date will his department undertake the specified assessment; if so, what (i) were the findings and (ii) action will be taken on the specified findings; (2) on what date will the brand-new JoJo tanks and pumps be connected to an electrical outlet in order for them to be used; (3) whether there are any plans in place to secure the precinct with a fence and/or any other boundary structure; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what provisions have been made to address the water in the basement of the single quarters?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

1. (a) Yes, in 2013 a desk top analysis was done and ascertained that areas of the station were over-utilized and SAPS have placed such need for a capital works project on their U-AMP. In addition, DPWI has provided additional space by means of a rehabilitation project relating to the conversion of garages into offices which has ...

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2023-w2478 - 05 July 2023

Madeleine Bertine Hicklin to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1) (a) What was the purpose of the dinner that was held immediately after the debate on Budget Vote 13 on 23 May 2023 and (b) where was it held; (2) (a) what amount did the dinner cost for each person and (b) from which budget line item was the budget for the dinner apportioned; (3) what (a) number of stakeholders were invited to the specified dinner and (b) was the intended outcome of the dinner; (4) what benefit to (a) her department, (b) the annual performance plans and (c) key performance indicators did the dinner fulfil?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:


(a) As part of departmental calendar, the budget vote events are earmarked to interact with sector stakeholders to share developments around the policy imperatives and priorities of the department.

(b) The Cresta Grande hotel in Cape Town.


(a) The venue hire and dinner cost R132 457.60 for a guest list of about 130 persons. ...

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2023-w2504 - 05 July 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)With reference to the information provided to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure on 7 June 2023 that there are 238 land parcels in KwaZulu-Natal and that 18 of those have already been identified, what total number of the land parcels are situated in the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, where flood victims are still accommodated in halls and other temporary structures; (2) whether any of the land parcels have been handed over to the Department of Human Settlements in order to build houses for flood victims to restore their dignity; if not, why not; if so, (a)(i) what total number of land parcels was handed over and (ii) on what date and (b) what are the relevant details of the memoranda of understanding between her department and the Department of Human Settlements?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

1. The Department availed a list of 258 vacant land parcels from its Immovable Asset Register to the Housing Development Agency (HDA) in support to accommodate the flood victims in KZN. The HDA applied its housing suitability criteria matrix which included environmental considerations and encumbrances and requested 5 land parcels within eThekwini to be availed. The ...

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2023-w1996 - 05 July 2023

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

With regard to the networking budget vote dinner of his department that was held on 23 May 2023, what (a) total amount has been spent to organise the Budget Vote 41 Dinner and (b) criteria were utilised to identify the guests to the specified event?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

a) The total amount spent on the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) sector budget vote networking dinner was R 132, 457.60.

b) The criteria used to invite the guest list was on selecting key sector stakeholders such as entities, professional councils, identified beneficiaries from EPWP projects, young professionals and bursary holders, and oversight bodies such ...

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2023-w1566 - 05 July 2023

Madeleine Bertine Hicklin to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether, with regard to the proliferation of moles in the parliamentary villages that has reached seriously problematic proportions and the current horticultural staff employed by TEFLA seem totally out of their depth in terms of eradicating the pests in any humane way, with the gardens being completely overrun by these pests (details furnished), TEFLA has a comprehensive horticultural staff complement able to deal with the pest control issues raised or do they have to outsource the issues to consultants; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what total number of horticultural staff are employed to maintain the gardens in (a) Acacia Park, (b) Laboria Park and (c) Pelican Park; (2) what total number of contracts exist with outside consultants for horticultural services such as pest eradication; (3) whether TEFLA is responsible for the costs and/or have additional costs been raised which have to be covered by his department; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the scope of the horticultural contract signed with TEFLA in terms of garden maintenance throughout the Parks? NW1809E

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1) The horticultural staff complement of TEFLA is herein below mention, however TEFLA has outsourced the pest control to a company called Choice Pest Control. Herein below is total number of horticultural staff employed to maintain gardens throughout the Parks are as follows:

(a) Acacia Park – 66

(b) Laboria Park - 8

(c) Pelican Park - ...

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2023-w2439 - 05 July 2023

Philippus Adriaan Van Staden to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 224 on 7 March 2023, he is now in a position to provide details of state-owned properties, both (a) improved and (b) unimproved, that are currently being rented out; if not, why not; if so, (i) to whom are the state-owned properties rented out and (ii) at what total amounts in each month?

Reply from the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure on 5 Jul 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

The DPWI is currently renting out both improved and unimproved state owned properties to various tenants, see attached Annexure A (active leases including both improved and unimproved as well as the tenant name and rental amount).

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