2020-w1631 - 29 July 2020


1. With reference to his reply to question 1272 on 20 July 2020, (a) on what date did the investigation take place, (b) what were the findings of the specified investigation and (c) on what date is it envisaged that action will be taken with regard to the findings; 2. whether the appointment process will be reversed, if not, why not; if so, why; 3. whether the person appointed according to the flawed process will be eligible to apply and be considered for appointment when in a new process of employment for the post; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; 4. (a) for what period was the specified person appointed in the position and (b) will the specified person be subject to punitive costs when the appointment is reversed?

Reply from the MINISTER OF SPORT, ARTS AND CULTURE on 29 Jul 2020

1. (a).The NLSA’s Board of Directors met on 13 July 2020 and resolved that the matter be referred to the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (HR&REMCo). HR&REMCo will conduct an investigation and put forward recommendations to the Board for approval.

(b). No findings can be reported at this stage.

(c). The report with recommendations from HR&REMCo to the Board will guide the Board’s actions ...

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2020-w1473 - 29 July 2020

Brian Sindile Madlingozi to ask the MINISTER OF SPORT, ARTS AND CULTURE

What (a) is the number of statues of (i) colonial and (ii) apartheid figures in the Republic, (b) is the exact location of each statue, (c) amount did it cost his department to (aa) maintain and (bb) safeguard the statues in each of the past five financial years and (d) are the formal requirements for removing statues?.

Reply from the MINISTER OF SPORT, ARTS AND CULTURE on 29 Jul 2020

There is currently (a) no complete consolidated number of statues of (i) colonial and (ii) apartheid figures in the Republic. The management of monuments, memorials and statues is the responsibility of Provincial Heritage Resources Authorities (PHRAs).

Only when the inventory of these resources is submitted to SAHRA by the PHRAs as heritage registers do they get incorporated into the heritage resources inventory on the ...

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