(1) (a) Nationally, there were 3 898 schools initially identified on the SAFE programme and additional 809 schools were later added. 867 schools did not proceed due to some schools closing, some schools not meeting SAFE criteria, some of the schools are on private land and some have sufficient number of toilets in line with the Norms and Standards. DBE proceeded to intervene at 3 380 schools.
(b) The following tables provides a breakdown of schools per Province.
(i) Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI) focused on providing appropriate sanitation to schools with no toilets. The following schools have been provided with sanitation:
(ii) Sanitation Appropriate for Education (SAFE) initiative focused on providing appropriate sanitation at schools dependent on basic pit toilets. The following number of schools have been provided with sanitation. (iii) The table below includes sanitation provided by both provinvial education departments and Donors.
(2) (a) ASIDI sanitation projects have been completed. Number of SAFE schools completed are provided in (1.ii) above.
(b) The Completion date for the remaining SAFE schools has been affected by budget cuts. DBE had planned to complete the schools by end of 2023/24 financial year.