1. Prospecting licences, permits and rights were awarded between April 2020 and March 2023. Prospecting Right holders are obliged to pay prospecting fees in terms of section 19(2)(f) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) (as amended) (hereinafter referred to as the MPRDA). According to section 76(2) of the MPRDA Regulations a holder of a Prospecting Right must pay prospecting fees annually in advance and not later than 30 days from the commencement date of such right and thereafter not later than 30 days following the anniversary of each respective year of the right for the duration thereof.
Prospecting right holders usually pay the initial fees when the right is issued, however they fail to pay annual fees in subsequent years due to a variety of reasons.
2. The total amount of debt relating to Bojanala district right holders’ debt is approximately R510 079.62
3. Prospecting rights can be cancelled after all administrative process have been followed. The right holders are informed on their default in payment of prospecting fees. An order/instruction is then issued in terms of section 93 of the MPRDA non-complying right holders to demand payment. If the right holder fails to make payment, section 47 (intention to cancel the right) is issued. A specific date cannot be determined as this is an ongoing process.
4. The right holder is notified once the right has been cancelled. A specific date cannot be determined as this is an ongoing process.