The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
I have been informed that Dr. Michael Sutcliffe has not been appointed to head the new board of the Independent Development Trust (IDT). He is only one of the 12 newly appointed board members approved by Cabinet.
a) The current Chairperson of the board is Ms Zimbini Hill.
b) The board’s term of office started on 05 July 2021 in accordance with the provisions of the IDT Deed of Trust, which stipulates that the term of each Trustee begins when they receive their letter of authority from the Master, which is on the date indicated above.
c) (i), (ii) and (iii) The board members do not receive a salary, but are paid an honorarium for preparation and attendance of board meetings. The board fees are aligned to the National Treasury prescripts and committee members are paid at the ordinary Board Member’s rate of R4 317.00