I have been informed by. zaDNA as follows:
(a) What is the current status of the legal case in the matter between .ZA Domain Name Authority and the ZA Central Registry?
The Arbitrator ruled in ZADNA’s favour on 7 August 2018. ZADNA has since applied for the award to be made an order of court, however ZACR is opposing the court order application. ZACR is also intending to review the arbitrator’s decision.
(b)- (d) What attempts at mediation of the issue have been held since the Deputy Minister withdrew her participation after 7 June, who conducted the specified mediation between the parties, on what date, what was the outcome of the mediation attempts, what did the attempts cost the .ZA Domain Name Authority and who is paying the costs?
The mediation process is still ongoing and is conducted on a “without prejudice” basis and, therefore, cannot be disclosed at this stage.
Approved/ not approved
DATE: 03/12/2018