The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
The final results for Quarter 2 of the 2023/24 fiscal year will be officially released by the end of October 2023. As of October 13, 2023, the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) has showcased a commendable performance, with a total of 637 875 work opportunities reported for 2023/24 by 322 public entities. This achievement represents 61.4% of the annual target of 1 038 742 work opportunities, indicating a strong progression towards reaching the 2023/24 target. The performance is above the 50% benchmark expected at the end of the 2nd quarter of the 2023/24 financial year.
(a) These reported work opportunities had an average duration of 48 person-days, leading to the disbursement of a substantial sum, amounting to R4 814 010 947, which is paid in wages to the EPWP participants. The average wage for the work opportunities created was R156.66. 452 927 of the work opportunities created were filled by women, 238 796 by youth, and 4 624 by persons with disabilities.
(b) The different sectors, namely the Infrastructure, Social, Environment & Culture and Non-State within the EPWP, all contributed to the creation of work opportunities. The Social Sector led the way, having already achieved 80% of its annual work opportunity target. Following closely behind were the Environment and Culture Sector, which achieved 60.9% of its target, and the Non-State Sector, registering at 60.1% of the target. The Infrastructure Sector has also made an important contribution, reaching 53.2% of its annual work opportunity target. All sectors are above the 50% benchmark expected at the end of the 2nd quarter of the financial year.