The KZN Provincial Department of Human Settlements indicates that there are two factors that contributed to the delays of the Umbulwane Area H Housing Project-
In November 2018 to February 2019 severe weather patterns led to the Umbulwane area experiencing extended heavy rainfall, which resulted in the existing stormwater arrangements not able to limit/mitigate the extensive flooding of portions of the project, impacting on several houses under construction. The KZN NHBRC immediately stopped the construction activities until an appropriate and sustainable solution was found.
Following the tabling of the investigations that were conducted by both the NHBRC as well as the Project Engineer, meetings were held with all the stakeholders to discuss the findings and provide suitable and sustainable solutions in order to urgently implement and unblock the project. The Implementing Agent and the Project Engineers subsequently provided the remedial and upgrading requirements along with the maintenance plan.
During the installation of the bulk services, an application from the District Municipality, via the Alfred Duma Local Municipality citing that they did not have the funds to install bulk water and sewer arrangements. The KZN Department realised that if these issues were left unresolved, the structures on the ground would be subjected to vandalism and illegal occupation.
The KZN Department then made funds available to resolve both the storm water management issues, as well as the bulk connection services to allow the project to proceed.
The KZN Department took on the responsibility that should have been taken by the uThukela District Municipality (Bulk services) as well as the responsibility that should have been performed by the Alfred Duma Local Municipality (Storm water management) to unblock all challenges causing the project to be stalled. The Implementing Agent is anticipated to return to site and resume construction activities by 15 March 2024 and complete the project by March 2026.
The status of project the is as follows:
Internal Services
Water Reticulation : 100%
Sewer Reticulation : 100%
Storm water control : 100%
Internal Roads : 100%
Sewer Pump Station: 95%
Top structures
Slabs : 400
Walls : 145
Roofs : 105