It is important to point out that, of course, the new department - the whole government - has undertaken to carry out this investigation work. We are relentless about it. The fact that the matter is in the courts, and that some of the cases have been completed, must also be stated, as we point out others who are finicky with regard to the rule of law, and so on. We have committed ourselves outrightly on this matter.
Hon Madisha, you used to be a leader of the workers in the trade union movement. Now you assume that only the law will produce results for the protection of workers, especially farm workers. Sir, I thought you would have known yourself that even with the existence of the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act of workers, the domestic workers and workers of all kinds have had to strike to enforce the implementation of the law.
What makes you think new laws will improve conditions? You should not avoid pointing out to those who flouted the law - the employers, whom you are quiet about - to get away with murder, that that is wrong! [Applause.]
Please, members, remember that the President did away with Land Affairs. It is now Rural Development and Land Reform! It is crucial that we recognise that it is not only a national priority that the visits that we have been making to the 23 districts, for example, to interact with traditional leaders and mayors, members of provincial legislatures and farmers in certain instances in those areas, have produced a platform for people to give us direct feedback on how they are experiencing the work of the department.
We have had an opportunity to introduce a composite picture of the work that the department is doing in an environment in which people can get immediate responses to their issues. The approach of the Minister, working with other Ministers and ourselves in this programme, offers the community the opportunity to ensure that their issues are addressed on a regular basis. We never said this is going to be easy. It will continue to be tough. However, we are increasingly getting co-operation, across the three spheres, horizontally - between departments of agriculture, for example, which, strangely enough, have repeatedly pointed out the reversal of the decline in the agricultural production. But, this was not mentioned here today.
The jobs, if any, that were created during this last quarter came from agriculture. The jobs also came from collaboration between the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. [Interjections.] Of course this is true, unless you want to question Statistics SA and its information base. [Interjections.] You have no authority on that matter! Those who do have the authority have pointed that out.
We support this programme, and we hope that our visitors who are here today will work with us to intensify the correction of mistakes where they occur - to celebrate with us where we make progress, every step of the way. We will bring about changes with regard to who owns the land, uses the land and who manages the land, with the co-operation of traditional leaders, councillors and others. Thank you very much, Chairperson. [Time expired.] [Applause.]