Our collective efforts to ensure the best gender-based socioeconomic outcome possible for our nation as a whole from our national living marine resource base is well on track, and the Freedom Charter's clarion call for all of us, male and female, "to share equitably in the natural wealth of our land" will be achieved, via the ANC government - a very good government. [Applause.]
Ten slotte wil ek van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die eensydige en ongebalanseerde mediaberiggewing teen die departement en veral teen die Minister, as 'n vrou, te verwerp. Hierdie oordrewe kritiek deur 'n groep onverteenwoordigde individue en een parlementslid, by name die agb Van Dalen, is vernietigend vir die bedryf. Dit is gebaseer op vals inligting en 'n persoonlike vendetta - juis van die agb Van Dalen wat heeltyd in die portefeuljekomitee net van die Africana praat - omdat die Minister die sektor transformeer. Hy praat verder net van Smit Amandla Marine se tender. [Tussenwerpsels.]
Vandag is ek geskok om te hoor hy het armoedige mense, armoedige vissermanne, gevat en met hulle gevoelens kom speel en nie vir hulle die waarheid vertel nie. [Tussenwerpsels.] In elke portefeuljekomiteevergadering kom daar soveel gemeenskappe van die visbedryf wat kom inluister en hulle hoor hoe hy net vir die groot maatskappye praat. Om vandag hier met ons arm mense se gevoelens te kom speel, is wragtiewaar ... [Tussenwerpsels.] ... is wragtiewaar ... Die waarheid maak seer! [Tussenwerpsels.]
Dit is wragtiewaar ... [Tussenwerpsels.] Vandag wil ek s, mnr Van Dalen praat van die Smit Amandla Marine-tender. [Tussenwerpsels.] Mnr Van Dalen vergeet van die ou infrastruktuur waarmee die Minister, Tina Joemat- Pettersson, sukkel. [Tussenwerpsels.] Dit is ou infrastruktuur wat ons van apartheid gerf het. In 1994 het ons onsself bevry deur te stem vir die ANC. [Tussenwerpsels.] [Applous.]
Hierdie tipe verdagmakery word aangedryf deur mnr Van Dalen - die agb Van Dalen - en sy handlanger en persoonlike adviseur, mnr Shaheen Moolla, wat in die departement gewerk het. (Translation of Afrikaans paragraphs follows.)
[In conclusion, I would like to use the opportunity to reject the partial and unbalanced media coverage against the department and the Minister, as a female. This exaggerated criticism from a group of unrepresented individuals and one member of Parliament, namely the hon Van Dalen, is destructive for the industry. It is based on false information and a personal vendetta - precisely from the hon Van Dalen who speaks in the portfolio committee only of the Africana the whole time - because the Minister is transforming the sector. He further only refers to Smit Amandla Marine's tender. [Interjections.]
Today I am shocked to hear that he took poor people, poor fishermen, and played games with them and did not tell them the truth. [Interjections.] Every meeting of the portfolio committee is attended by so many communities of the fishing industry who listen to him and they only hear him speaking of the large companies. To play games with the poor people's feelings today is really and truly ... [Interjections.] ... is really and truly ... The truth hurts! [Interjections.]
It is really and truly ... [Interjections.] I would like to state today, Mr Van Dalen refers to the Smit Amandla Marine tender. [Interjections.] Mr Van Dalen forgets about the old infrastructure with which the Minister, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, has to toil. [Interjections.] It is the old infrastructure we inherited from apartheid. In 1994 we freed ourselves by voting for the ANC. [Interjections.] [Applause.]
This type of suspicion-mongering is incited by Mr Van Dalen - the hon Van Dalen - and his henchman and personal advisor, Mr Shaheen Moolla, who worked in the department.]