Ask Mayoral candidates to commit to making accessible all Service Delivery Agreements with businesses


Have you seen your municipality's Service Delivery Agreements (SDAs) with businesses it contracts? No idea what that is? Well, it often feels like that’s the way many political candidates want it to stay. You see, the Municipal Systems Act states SDAs must be made public [1], so that people like you and I can see who, what, when and how much companies contracted to deliver services are paid. But municipalities across Mzansi don’t follow the Act, and don’t make SDAs public. This allows corruption to thrive.

But we can change this. Political candidates are vying for our votes and all of them are talking about stopping corruption and creating better service delivery. That’s why this is a critical moment to ask all Mayoral candidates in the upcoming elections to commit to making all SDAs public and accessible. Click here to add your name to this campaign.


Here's why this issue is so important. The Municipal Council on which elected representatives sits appoints Municipal Managers, who are the administrative heads of our municipalities. Once appointed, the Municipal Manager works at ensuring that a Municipality achieve strategic objectives and developmental and service delivery obligations. They are responsible for entering into service agreements, screening and approving contracts, publicising SDAs and more. As they enter office, all these people must commit to being transparent and efficient in all Service Delivery Agreements with the communities they service.

As we approach these elections, it is imperative that we as the community and those who are willing to stand with us, continue working together to fight all forms of injustice in Mzansi.

Together for justice!


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