Second Term Review of Parliament 2022

Second Term Review of Parliament

Interview With IEC Deputy Chief Electoral Officer

What Is The Independent Electoral Commission?

The Independent Electoral Commission is a permanent body and Chapter 9 Institution created by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The IEC is responsible for the management of free and fair elections. They work independently of the government, however, they are still ...

Asset Maintenance Management Plans

What Are Asset Maintenance Management Plans?

To combat poor levels of service delivery, maintenance plans were developed to ensure that infrastructure remained efficient and usable. Asset maintenance management plans - also known as immovable asset management plans or infrastructure maintenance plans - are strategic outlines for the repair and maintenance ...

First Term Review 2022

International Women's Day 2022

Today, 8 March 2022, marks International Women’s Day – a day to commemorate and celebrate the vital role women play all over the world. In the global parliamentary space, only 26% of women occupy parliamentary seats across the world.

Over the years, there have been notable and significant advances in ...

2022/23 Budget Speech: Reaction by Assembly of the Unemployed & the cry of the Xcluded

Budget 2022/3: Tell no lies, claim no easy victories

“Accordingly, we have decided to keep money in the pockets of South Africans. “ – Minister Enoch Godongwana

This is an ideologically driven budget, which assumes that the way out of the country’s economic and social crisis is through creating the ...

SONA 2022 Survey: Reflecting on Past Promises

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