Census FAQ 2022

StatsSA Census gathers data for policy-making, budget allocations, Integrated Development Programmes and planning. In 2022, citizens can participate remotely through digital platforms. Use the data-free registration link before 5 February in order to get counted.

Find out more on StatsSA website

Parliamentary Cycle 2022

Important Upcoming Dates to Note:

  • Joint Sitting for the State of the Nation (SONA) Address 10 February
  • Debate on President’s SONA 14 & 15 February
  • Reply by President to debate on SONA 16 February
  • Budget Speech 23 February State of the Nation Address

On the 10th of February, President Cyril ...

What is the role of Ward Councillors?

Ward councillors are a critical cog in local government. They are accountable to their ward and to the municipal council. Councillors are meant to live in the areas that they serve in order to ensure that there is genuine understanding of the needs of the ward.

Ward councillors are a ...

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