Election Results and Allocation of Seats in Parliament (National Assembly) and Provincial Legislatures: 2024

With the final results announced officially by the IEC on 2 June 2024, for the first time in South Africa, no single party won a mandate to govern. The ANC received a little over 6.4 million votes. This was followed by the DA and Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), a new ...

Manifestos Ahead of the National Elections 2024

An election manifesto serves as a blueprint, outlining the policies a political party pledges to enact if entrusted with power during a general election. Prior to an election, each political party releases an official manifesto, laying down the foundation for its campaign. These documents serve a pivotal function by articulating ...

How to Participate in Elections

How to participate in the upcoming elections.

how to participate in elections

5 Ways To Get Involved in Parliament

Here are 5 ways to get involved in Parliament!

Provincial Budget Dates 2024

The South African system of government is designed so that certain functions are exclusive (performed by one sphere only), while others are concurrent (shared between different spheres).

The Constitution divides functions among the three spheres of government and clearly distinguishes between exclusive and concurrent responsibilities. Concurrent functions include policy-making, legislation, ...

SOPA Dates 2024

What is the State of the Province Address?

The State of the Province Address also known as SOPA is an annual address to the province by the Premier, which focuses on the current political and socio-economic state of the province and marks the official opening of the Provincial Legislature.

What ...

Preview for the Year

2024 Parliamentary Year

While the official opening of Parliament is next week, the parliamentary year has already commenced. MPs are attending summits, training and are busy with constituency and committee work.

Alongside this, political parties are maintaining a keen focus on the forthcoming election with many compiling candidate lists, holding ...

Understanding Constituency Offices

South Africa makes use of a Proportional Representation electoral system. This means that our elected representatives (Members of Parliament) are not elected from geographic areas in the way Ward Councillors are elected in Local Government elections.

MPs have a Constitutional duty to interact with the public and assist the public ...

Coalition Governments and Democracy

In the realm of democracy, coalition governments often emerge as a testament to the vibrant tapestry of political ideologies and citizen voices. These unique alliances of political parties bring a distinctive flavour to democratic systems worldwide, emphasising cooperation and compromise as essential pillars of governance.

One of the core strengths ...

Public Service Month - September 2023

The month of September is designated as Public Service Month in South Africa, a significant event on the Department of Public Service and Administration's annual calendar.

Public Service Month serves as a prompt to reflect on the essence of community service and evaluate the government's influence, particularly in the realm ...

Recent Stories

Manifestos Ahead of the National Elections 2024

How to Participate in Elections

5 Ways To Get Involved in Parliament

Provincial Budget Dates 2024

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