Provincial Legislatures, Speakers & Premiers

Last week, Wednesday 22 May 2019, Members of the Provincial Legislatures (MPLs) were sworn in. Presided over by the Judge Presidents for each province, the nine provincial legislatures also elected the Premiers of the province and Speakers and Deputy Speakers of the legislatures. The Premiers were inaugurated on 27 May ...

First day of Parliament: a guide

Today Members of the National Assembly will be sworn in. These Members represent 14 political parties. Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng will take the Speaker’s seat at 10h30 and in groups of ten, alphabetically organised, he will preside over their swearing in. Each Member will swear or affirm faithfulness to the ...

Elections: Results and Seats

With the final results announced officially by the IEC on Saturday, 11 May 2019, the ANC has won the sixth general election. The ANC received a little over 10 million votes. This was followed by the DA and EF. The ANC also retained its majority in all provinces except the ...

What happens after the 2019 elections?

The Constitution spells out, in section 52, that after an election, the first sitting of the National Assembly must take place at a time and date determined by the Chief Justice but not more than 14 days after the election result has been declared

Wednesday, 22 May: things really kick ...

Elections 2019

The hour is almost upon us – the day when South Africans embark on go to the polling stations to exercise arguably the most fundamental democratic right, that of voting. There are however many who are not entirely knowledgeable of the electoral system employed in SA – we thought it ...

Chairpersons: Who to Watch in the Sixth Parliament?

The Sixth Parliament kicked off and the National Assembly portfolio committees elected their chairpersons on 2 July 2019. While all committees have a substantial workload over the next five years, some already have hot-button issues from the go. We are taking a look at the leadership that will lead these ...

Review of Fifth Parliament

The Fifth Parliament gave us a lot of “firsts” and was unprecedented in many ways.

While previous Parliaments were maligned for being dull, perfunctory and peripheral, this Parliament was in the limelight for various controversies and mayhem.

Putting together a comprehensive review of the Fifth Parliament was always going to ...

Bridging the Gap between MPs and constituents

The People’s Assembly website ( was launched in 2014 with a clear mandate: ‘connecting people with their representatives’. We have not stopped working towards developing and adding civic technology tools to that enhances that mandate. Little over a year ago we launched the ‘Write to an MP’ tool. ...

Infographic: The Voting Process

Only a few more weeks until Election Day (8 May)! To all first-time voters who are daunted by the notion of voting, People's Assembly has created a visual representation of the voting process. It's really as simple as it looks. Happy voting!


Candidate lists: 51 objections of 52 overturned – IEC

South Africans had a four-day window to object to a candidate on the lists of the 48 political parties contesting the 8 May elections. The party lists are available on the IEC website.

The Constitution states that every voter is eligible to be a Member of Parliament except:

  • unrehabilitated ...

About Impressions

Not many people know there are fifty committees in Parliament - each assigned to oversee the work of a government department and YOU are welcome to attend. Email us if you would like to sit in on a parliamentary committee meeting. - all you need is an ID or passport to visit Parliament. Contributions about your impressions gladly accepted.

Here are comments from citizens attending parliamentary committee meetings:

About The Week in Parliament

That Week In Parliament

Recent happenings in Parliament