47% drop in registered 18 and 19-year-olds for 2019 elections

With its Xsê campaign and other marketing strategies, the IEC went all out to encourage young voters to register. It partnered with digital news publications (News24 is an example) and ran a competition for matriculants which included asking them to indicate if they wanted to register to vote. IEC representatives ...

How to object to a candidate on a party list

South Africans have a four-day window to object to a candidate on the lists of the 48 political parties contesting the 8 May elections. The party lists are available on the IEC website.

An objection against a candidate must be made by 5pm on Tuesday, 2 April.

The Constitution ...

18 & 19 year old registered voters doubled to 34%!

In less than two months South Africans are heading to the polls. The voters' roll has closed and just over 26.7 million people are registered to vote in the upcoming elections - an improvement of 2% since the registration drives, but down almost 5% compared to 2014.


A worrying statistic ...

The Week Ahead: It’s a week of farewells and loose ends…

It's the last rites for the Fifth Parliament. After a dizzying and tumultuous five years, the National Assembly will rise this week and the NCOP a week later. But a fair amount of work will be done before MPs depart. Many will immediately go out on the campaign trail (at ...

How well do you know the Fifth Parliament?

As the Fifth Parliament draws to a close, we thought it would be fun to test your knowledge about the past five years. The National Assembly had its last sitting on 21 March 2019 and the NCOP will meet for the last time on 28 March 2019

How well do ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament is winding down...

It's the National Assembly’s penultimate week.

As a result, there is a bit of frenzy as legislation and important business that can be completed are rushed to the finishing line while other less urgent parliamentary business is dropped for lack of time.

In the remaining days, lawmakers are scheduled to ...

Video: Youth Monitoring Parliament

Since 1995, the Parliamentary Monitoring Group is enabling thousands of young people to go into Parliament and write detailed reports of the proceedings of the 50 oversight committees.

Here are some comments from our monitors, interns and past alumni – even two MPs are former PMG monitors.

The Week Ahead: President’s final appearance in the NA

It's a rapid descent towards the end of the Fifth Parliament as MPs rush to finalise all urgent business.

The endgame of the current Parliament is fast approaching and loose ends are gradually being knitted together. There are only a few weeks left (three weeks for the NA and four ...

Provincial Budgets: 2019

SA's national budget was tabled in Parliament on 20 February 2019 - what follows this process is the tabling of provincial budgets in each of the nine provincial legislatures. Provincial budgets are as important as the national one - the budget sets out how the provinces intend spending public funds ...

The Week Ahead: Deputy President, Appointments & Legislation

There's a full and mixed flavour to the coming week's parliamentary business. The major points of interest will come from the Question Time session with the Deputy President in the NA chamber and several high-profile meetings in the committee corridor.

On Wednesday, the leader of government business will have ...

About Impressions

Not many people know there are fifty committees in Parliament - each assigned to oversee the work of a government department and YOU are welcome to attend. Email us if you would like to sit in on a parliamentary committee meeting. - all you need is an ID or passport to visit Parliament. Contributions about your impressions gladly accepted.

Here are comments from citizens attending parliamentary committee meetings:

About The Week in Parliament

That Week In Parliament

Recent happenings in Parliament