Infographic: Food Security

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry And Fisheries hosted a two-day workshop on Food Security and Safety with the Portfolio Committees of Health and Social Development and the Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources. The committees engaged with food security and safety experts to examine what structures are in ...

Report Back on Fishing Permits Stalled

On Tuesday 11 February the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) was due to report back to their namesake Portfolio Committee in Parliament on the progress of fishing permits allocations and appeals. Chairperson Mlungisi Johnson (ANC) maintained that he did not feel it was appropriate to hear the Department’s ...

Parliament gears up for SONA

President Zuma will deliver the 2014 State of the Nation Address (SONA) to a Joint Sitting of the two Houses at 7pm from the National Assembly Chamber on Thursday 13 February. Although this is commonly regarded to be the official opening of Parliament, it is important to note that MPs ...

Committee adopts Land Rights Bill, extends deadline for lodging claims

The Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill was passed by the Rural Development and Land Reform Portfolio Committee yesterday, 5 February, after what seemed like rushed deliberations.

The bill seeks to amend the Restitution of Land Rights Act of 1994 by extending the date for lodging a claim for restitution ...

Stats and figures: Auditor General report on department’s irregular and wasteful expenditure

On Wednesday 5 February, the new Auditor-General (AG) Mr Kimi Makwetu briefed the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) on the audit outcomes of national departments for 2012-13 (released in November 2013) unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. The good news is that there are improvements, but the findings have ...

Rental Housing Amendment Bill: tussle between Parliament and Department

The Human Settlements Portfolio Committee met to discuss the re-introduced Rental Housing Amendment Bill. The bill was first introduced in 2011. This Committee made many amendments to it . However, it was withdrawn in mid 2012 by former Human Settlements Minister, Tokyo Sexwale, just before the National Assembly could vote ...

SABC gets a roasting from Communications Portfolio Committee opposition MPs

Following a briefing from the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) on their skills audit on Tuesday 4 February, DA member of the Portfolio Committee on Communications Ms Marian Shinn said that the SABC's presentation had given MPs “a snap shot of the very tragic state of the SABC... I have ...

Traditional Courts bill full steam ahead despite public pressure to stop it

After a protracted parliamentary process, the contentious Traditional Courts Bill (TCB) is back on the agenda! This may have come as a surprise to anyone reading this weekend’s Sunday Times, which reported that the ANC Women’s League, opposition parties and a number of civil society groups appeared to have won ...

SWEAT stages protest during WEGE parliamentary meeting

In parliament on Wednesday 29 January, during public hearings on the controversial Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality (WEGE) Bill to the Portfolio Committee on Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) staged a demonstration in the committee room where Minister Lulu Xingwana was in ...

Will ratepayers take the strain of new Municipal Rates Amendment Bill?

Criticising the Municipal Rates Amendment Bill, Mr Parks Tau, Johannesburg City Executive Mayor, spoke about its impact on the domestic ratepayer and city budgets. Exemption from rates was in the public service interest. The Bill would shift R400 million per annum from government to the ratepayer. The impact amounted to ...

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