Protection of State Information Bill: The referral, the debate, and the process

On 12 September 2013, President Zuma referred the Protection of State Information Bill back to Parliament “for reconsideration insofar as sections of the Bill, in particular Sections 42 and 45, lack meaning and coherence”. The letter that the President wrote to the Speaker stated that clause 42 referenced the incorrect ...

Mental Health Care has its Day in Parliament

Parliament recently acknowledged World Mental Health Day (10 October 2013) by inviting mental healthcare experts to brief the Health Portfolio Committee on mental health challenges and their suggestions on how these can be addressed.

The Department of Health gave the Committee some sobering statistics on the state of mental health ...

Employment Tax Incentive Bill passed after three-year battle

The Employment Tax Incentive Bill has finally been passed by Parliament after a three-year battle between the National Treasury and trade unions over the youth wage subsidy. The Bill addresses the high levels of youth unemployment in South Africa by offering a wage subsidy for young workers between the ages ...

Limpopo Intervention: Parliament acknowledges improvements

The Select Committee on Finance met with the Premier of Limpopo, the Anti-Corruption Task Team (ACTT), and other provincial departments in Limpopo, almost two years after Cabinet placed the province under administration in December 2011 following its shocking financial collapse with a R2 billion shortfall.   Two years ago health, ...

Pro Nuclear Energy Stakeholders address Energy Committee

The Energy Portfolio Committee held a unique, open stakeholder meeting to discuss nuclear energy as a reliable supply of energy. The meeting was the first of its kind in Parliament, aS the floor was open to the all members of the public who wished to comment on what was being ...

Strong Words Between Minister and Committee

Strong words were exchanged between the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture recently. Over several months the Committee had voiced its disquiet at the absence of the Minister and Deputy Minister from Committee meetings. This was conveyed to her when she finally met with ...

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