Covid-19 Survey Findings

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From 8 April to 5 May 2020 we conducted a Covid-19 online survey. The aim of the survey was to drive audience engagement and to get a general idea of perspectives around COVID-19, the lockdown and related matters. The results are largely a reflection of those who came across the survey and were motivated enough to participate. Let us state up front that this is an informal, unscientific survey and does not necessarily represent the view of all members of the public. To view a scientific survey on this topic, check out this [HSRC survey].( "HSRC")

And, now that we are done with the formalities, below are the findings from 328 respondents:

How will our world look

*Respondents could choose more than one option

Indicate if pandemic has *Respondents could choose more than one option

Do you think account

Question 4: We might need an extended or shorter lockdown in the future. What regulations are unnecessary and excessive?

Respondents had varied opinions. Some felt that the lockdown is necessary and agreed with the regulations put in place by the Government. Some found the restrictions on jogging, cycling and walking dogs excessive and unnecessary. Others felt that the ban on cigarettes was unnecessary, a topic that has been widely discussed in the public.

Question 5: What measures would help citizens and the economy to recover the most after the lockdown?

Many respondents were worried that the lockdown regulations would negatively impact the economy. They raised concerns with how the regulations would affect businesses and local economies and increase unemployment. Some proposed several suggestions such as rejecting bailouts for state owned enterprises, introducing business relief funds, providing tax relief, lowering interest rates and increasing social grants to beneficiaries.



Question 8: Parliament is still approving the 2020/21 budget - where should funds be directed?

Many respondents said that more funds must be directed to primary health care, improving public hospitals and medical research, improving and supporting the public education system, especially with e-learning infrastructure during the pandemic. Others felt that the government needs to tackle basic service delivery issues such as water and electricity supply to all households. One particular respondent pointed out: “Can’t teach people how to wash their hands and at the same time those people don’t have running water!”

Question 9: How can we be better prepared in future for something similar?

Although some respondents acknowledge that it is difficult to prepare for an unforeseeable future, many felt that the health care system needs improvement, and it needs to have sufficient reserves of medical supplies to better respond to a crisis. Some said that there needs to be better policing methods that can secure communities and the country’s borders during lockdowns. Others said that the Government needs to focus on encouraging low risk businesses that are able to weather crises such as pandemics.

Question 10: What do you miss the most about life before COVID-19?

When respondents were asked what they miss the most about life before Covid-19, respondents noted that they either miss the ability to earn an income, their jobs and socialising with friends and family. An overwhelming majority of respondents said in one way or another that they miss their freedom.


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