Do you support a secret vote?

The countdown to the debate on the Motion of No Confidence in President Jacob Zuma has begun. The long-awaited vote is set to happen on 8 August 2017.

One of the intriguing subplots has been whether the vote should be done via secret ballot. The Constitutional Court ruled that the National Assembly has the power to decide on whether the vote can be secret. This decision is still to be made at the time of writing.

By using this News24/People's Assembly tool, you can send an email to the Speaker, Baleke Mbete, indicating whether you think she should declare the vote secret or open.


An overwhelming majority of News24 readers (98%) support the motion against the President. The same readers (more than 7000) were asked what three issues they would like their MP to support. As shown in the word cloud below, South Africans are tired of corruption and highlighted this as the most pressing issue that needs attention. Education, crime and unemployment also featured prominently in the responses. Unsurprisingly and given our history, matters relating to racism, transformation, inequality and service delivery are constant themes.



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