Executive ethics: a need for review?


The Public Protector’s ‘State of capture’ report, released in October 2016 outlined the degree to which the state has been captured by the politically connected Gupta family. It also outlines the degree to which this influence extended to the workings of some state-owned enterprises and the possibly corrupt awarding of state tenders.

Part of the remedial action recommended was that Parliament review the Executive Members’ Ethics Act within six months of the report’s release. The Act requires members of the Executive and the President to act in accordance with the highest ethical standards and to uphold the Constitution. The Act needs to be reviewed specifically in relation to the President’s accountability, conflicts of interest, disclosure and other requirements.

The time is ripe for a discussion such as this in order to further clarify the obligations of the President and the executive.

The event will be addressed by Gary Pienaar (Senior Research manager, HSRC) and Collette Herzenberg (Lecturer, Stellenbosch University) and facilitated by Judith February (Senior Research Consultant, ISS).

Event Details

Date: 22nd August 2017

Time: 10am- 12noon

Venue: 6 Spin Street, Cape Town

RSVP to Helen (HChanda@issafrica.org) before 18th August.


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