Get To Know MP Vuyo Zungula

1. How did you come to join your political party and become an MP?

Upon seeing the ailing state of politics in the country, where politicians started becoming more self-serving than serving the constituency that put them in offices of power, a number of institutions ranging from religious fraternities, traditional houses, and generally concerned citizens came together to form an ideal party that would represent the best interest of South Africans, and I was tasked with the duty of heading such a collective.

2. What is one goal that you would like to achieve during your time as an MP?

  • The promotion of black businesses to have government spend more on its budget on black businesses, especially in the micro/informal sector to absorb more people in the economy.
  • Mass economic participation of South Africans in the economy and the prioritization of citizens in all economic activities.
  • Protecting the interests of South Africans, especially in rural areas such as Xolobeni, in critical sectors such as the Minerals and Resources department to ensure that they are not exploited in any way.
  • Enforcement of oversight to ensure that the basic services that need to be given to the people are delivered to the people.

3. What does your job as an MP entail, and what do you find challenging/demanding?

  • Mostly to represent the interests of my constituency and the broader constituency of South Africa.
  • Engage communities and represent the communities in all Parliament processes.
  • To make, review, and take part in passing laws that are progressive in protecting the interests of the people.
  • Consider, and where necessary, amend bills.
  • Serve in various portfolios to take part in guiding the implementation of said legislation.

4.Which constituency office have you been assigned to? Can you give examples of constituency work you engage in?

Taueatsoala Constituency in Limpopo. We have done a number of work in Limpopo, where:

o We marched and delivered a memorandum to Exxaro when they were ill treating workers, and laying them off without cause.

o We represented many displaced residents whose houses were illegally occupied by non-citizens.

o We fast tracked the issuing of title deeds to the people, ensuring that land grabs do not affect them.

o We supported various traditional houses in ensuring that they get the necessary support from COGTA and other entities so as to best serve their constituencies.

o My constituency office provides water for the community through a borehole.

5.How do you think Parliament can drive more public participation in policy, legislation and voting?

By roping the youth in and using the platforms where the youth mostly is because youth participation in legislative and political work is dwindling and they need to be roped in, especially in topics of their interest such as land, unemployment, and the general economy of this country.

6. What are you passionate about, both professionally and personally?

Small business development and Education.

7.Which social justice issues are you most concerned with?

Violent crimes, unemployment, small/micro business development, rural development. Displacement of South Africans from economic activities.

8. Does Parliament do a good job of holding the Executive to account? If not, what can be done to improve this?

No. The blurring of the state and party lines are hampering effective oversight. Ethical political leadership can restore parliament to be an effective oversight body.

9. What are your or your party's aspirations/plans for the remainder of the Sixth Parliament?

  • To continue being the voice of reason that prioritises the interests of the marginalised and ignored South Africans.
  • Advocate for policies and programs that will Put South Africans First.

10.What obstacles prevent Parliament from doing its work and how would you fix it?

Politicking and petty party politics. We need leadership that is obsessed about improving the material conditions of the people. We need leaders that are working for a better tomorrow. Future generations must inherit a better South Africa.

To find out more about this member of parliament, view his profile


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