Hard to believe...but Ministers are showing up in Parliament

In Parliament’s Committees, MPs can scrutinise and probe the performance of Ministers and the executive has to justify their decisions and performance.

Committees can only perform their work optimally if there is a willingness by Ministers and their deputies to attend proceedings and be held accountable.

The ministerial attendance tool enables you to see how often the President's 73 ministers and deputy ministers are visiting the oversight committees.

All ministers attended at least once in 2017, except for one. Some of these attendances were perhaps due to a committee summons rather than invitation.

The one minister who is yet to attend is International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, who last accounted to her committee 16 months ago in March 2016.

Public pressure can ensure Ministers adhere to their constitutional responsibility in section 92(2) of the Constitution: “Members of the Cabinet are accountable collectively and individually to Parliament for the exercise of their powers and the performance of their functions”. This tool aims to make it easier for citizens to be aware of this.

See the best attending Ministers for the first half of 2017:



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