National departments are subject to annual auditing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA), where an audit opinion is given based on a department's financial statements. In forming an audit opinion, AGSA determines the financial health of departments and if its performance met its predetermined objectives and if the financial statements comply with legislation.
Interesting facts that emerged this year:
So far no national department received an adverse or disclaimer audit opinion
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation was in the dog box for the third year in a row - it did not improve on its qualified audit opinion
The Departments of Energy, Sports and Recreation and Social Development maintained clean audits
The Department of Cooperative Governance regressed from an unqualified opinion to a qualified audit opinion this financial year
AGSA communicate key messages to Parliament about the root causes for audit failures or stagnation i.e. not improving and achieving a clean audit. These root causes are:
slow response from senior management to implement action plans to remedy audit findings,
lack of consequences for poor performance and transgressions,
instability caused by vacancies in key positions.
*At the time of this publication audits for the Departments of Environmental Affairs, Home Affairs, Transport and Public Works were still outstanding.
See infographic below on the 2015/16 national department audit outcomes:
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