Infographic: Bucket Eradication - December 2015 deadline

On Wednesday 28 October 2015, the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) presented a progress report on the December 2015 deadline in terms of the Bucket Eradication Programme in formal areas. The Stats SA Community Survey was used as a baseline to determine the bucket toilet backlog in the country. The results of the survey and a second verification process by DWS showed the revised bucket eradication target at 57 329 bucket toilets to be achieved by December 2015.This target excludes bucket toilets in informal settlements and the Minister explained that the project only focuses on bucket toilets established pre 1994.

To date a total of just 15 544 bucket toilets have been eradicated out of the remaining backlog of 57 329. Of the remaining units, DWS promised that 4 275 will be completed in December 2015 and 37 510 will be completed by the end of the financial year on 31 March 2016.

The Department said there were challenges which led to the inability to achieve set targets in the Free State and Northern Cape. These ranged from community labour based disputes to contractors encountering 'hard rock' conditions in the Northern Cape. According to the 2014/15 Annual Report, the Department underspent its budget by 15% and cited the lack of adequate bulk infrastructure, cash flow challenges by implementing agents and difficult soil or hard rock conditions as reasons for not achieving its targets.

See infographics below for details on the progress on the budget eradication programme for formal areas:



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