Who made submissions on Land Debate?

In February, the National Assembly adopted a motion proposed by the EFF, with amendments by the ANC, that Parliament's Constitutional Review Committee investigate mechanisms through which land can be expropriated without compensation.

The deadline for public comments to the Joint Constitutional Review Committee was 15 June 2018. When interviewed, Committee Chairperson Vincent Smith said, " I want to say to South Africans that this is not a referendum so it doesn’t matter how many say yes or how many say no. It’s not about numbers – it’s about the strength of the argument".

OpenUp and the Parliamentary Monitoring Group developed landissue.org.za - a tool that assisted citizens to make thoughtful written submissions (2 977 in total) to the Committee.

The public was asked if they supported the motion; if Section 25 was a barrier to transforming apartheid land inequality; and to provide solutions to fast track land reform.

Participants could also identify their demographics. Of the 2099 who submitted their demographics - this infographic tells us more about the participants who engaged with Parliament:



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