Live Mag SA: What issues affect young people today?

By Sheilan Clarke

June is Youth Month – a time where we commemorate the class of ’76 while also celebrating the tenacity and creative spirit of this generation’s youth. But things aren’t all rosey. Young South Africans continue to face issues such as unemployment, lack of funding for education and poor skills development. We spoke to Matshepo Seedat – spokesperson at The Presidency – about the state of South African youth. Check it out:

Live from Parliament casts a youth lens on parliament and government, covering committees, policy-making, MPs and the sitting of actual Parliament. Our team of youth journalists will be reporting Live from Parliament every week in partnership with the People’s Assembly and Indigo Trust. The People’s Assembly connects people and their elected representatives. To stay in touch with your local MP, visit, follow them on Twitter @PeoplesAssem_SA or Facebook/PeoplesAssemblySA


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