National Commissioner absent while SAPS presents “unacceptable” report

National Police Commissioner, Riah Phiyega, was a no-show at SAPS’ meeting today with the Police Portfolio Committee to discuss its reply to the Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report (BRRR) recommendations made by the Committee last year. In the Commissioner’s absence, the SAPS delegation presented a shoddy report devoid of timeframes and lacking in pertinent information.

Chairperson of the Committee, Annelize van Wyk, noted that this was perhaps the last chance that Phiyega would have the opportunity to interact with this Committee and there was “no excuse” for the National Commissioner not to be there. Van Wyk said that the Committee would have to “apply its mind” to the repercussions of Phiyega’s absence, saying that it was “unacceptable” and “DG’s are ultimately responsible for their departments”.

When Lieutenant-General, Stefan Schutte, who led the SAPS delegation, apologised on behalf of Phiyega, saying she was abroad, van Wyk quipped, “the fact that she is abroad makes it even worse” as the National Commissioner should not have planned a trip away when she knew there was going to be a meeting with the Committee.

The SAPS delegation then proceeded with the presentation, only to be interrupted by van Wyk who expressed concern that the information contained in the presentation was too vague because there were no timeframes by which the Committee could hold the SAPS to. She felt like the Committee was not receiving any helpful information and that without deadlines; the report seemed like a “wish list”.

Van Wyk stated that it was “useless to proceed” without stipulated timeframes in the report. However, she allowed them to continue, while interrupting the SAPS presentation every now and then to tell them that the presentation was “unacceptable”, and that “it is typical of the SAPS to give us lots of words with very little measurable content”.

The Committee also expressed distress that some of its concerns, were not addressed in detail. These included (among others) the need for proper and quality controls for the SAPS budget, more stringent supply chain management processes, improved technology management services, the need for a resource allocation guide and an update on the SAPS Section 13 stores, the need for a report on missing police firearms, and the need for better management of sick and incapacity leave.

After the presentation, van Wyk concluded, “There is no seriousness on SAPS’ side to address their issues”. The Committee demanded that SAPS resend the presentation on Friday, 7 March, showing the Committee’s concerns, what it was doing to address the issues, how much progress was made, and what the time frames and deadlines are by which projects have to be completed. She informed SAPS to “stop trying to outsmart the Committee, just be in compliance of what is required from you”.

The Committee will set aside a day or two in next week to address the improved presentation.


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