Nkandla Committee meets: Day 1

Ad hoc committee members elected Mr Cedric Frolick as committee chairperson. The eleven-member committee is one opposition member short and the smaller parties requested that the vacancy be filled by the ACDP (as COPE had declined to make a nomination). The Chairperson said he would consider the request.

Opposition MPs noted that the draft committee programme did not invite anyone to give evidence. The IFP would have liked the President to attend and explain why he thought it was necessary to wait for the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) report. Also the SIU needed to indicate when its investigation would be complete. Opposition parties questioned whether the committee could give adequate attention to the matter by the deadline of 30 April and some requested clarity on the terms of reference.

Although some Members wanted to meet the next day and throughout the weekend, others said they needed to familiarise themselves with the documents (letter from the President, the proclamation and the Public Protector's report) and decide whether what was contained in those was sufficient to make a determination . The Committee agreed the meeting would resume on Monday28 April, at 12h00.

The Committee discussed whether to consider public submissions made to the Chairperson or the Office of the Speaker as it could add to the work of the Committee. DA member, Ms Linidiwe Mazibuko, said that it would be “callous and a dereliction of duty” were Parliament not to consider public submissions as it was a constitutional right of the public to engage with the Committee. It was agreed that public submissions received by this Committee should be formally tabled. The Chairperson said he was aware of only one submission by CASAC, but would check with the Office of the Speaker. If any other submissions were received, he would table those and the Committee would consider whether to call in any parties although there was no obligation to do so.

Please see the full updated report here: Ad Hoc Committee: President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report: Election of Chairperson; Schedule; Agenda


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