Ockert Stefanus Terblanche

"Dear South Africans, let’s work hard to build one South Africa for all!"


What is your political background? How did you come to join your political party and become an MP?

I moved down to Mossel Bay after I left the SA Police Service at the end of August 2010. I held the rank of Major General. During the Local Government Elections (2011), I assisted the DA in Mossel Bay with their campaign and was later elected as the Ward Chairperson for Ward 10 Mossel Bay.

What does your job as an MP entail? What do you enjoy about being an MP?

In Parliament, we as MPs represent the people of this country. We are responsible for lawmaking and oversight, keeping the Executive to account and are also responsible for our constituencies allocated to us individually.

What are your or your party's aspirations/plans for the Sixth Parliament?

I am a very proud DA representative. We in the DA aspire to build "One South Africa for All”- an open opportunity society where everybody enjoys real freedom and all the benefits of this country.

What obstacles prevent Parliament from doing its work and how would you fix it?

Parliament is a very important institution. We must observe and uphold its dignity and encourage robust debate.

Which Constituency Office have you been assigned to? Can you give examples of Constituency work you engaged in?

I have served the party in many constituencies. Currently, I am responsible for Prince Albert. Job creation is our number one priority.

Does Parliament do a good job of holding the Executive to account? If not, what can be done to improve this?

The opposition is trying its best. However, Cabinet Ministers are not always informed.

Are you happy with the proportional representation system or are you in favor of electoral reform?

The current system is best under the prevailing circumstances in South Africa.

What can be done to get citizens more interested/ involved in Parliament? Is this an area where Parliament can improve and if so, what recommendations do you have? What are you passionate about? This applies both in political/ professional arena as well as personally?

MPs must try to focus on issues that are best for citizens of this country.

What is your message to South Africa?

Dear South Africans, let’s work hard to build one South Africa for all!


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