ODAC: Dasnois' Litigation Campaign


The Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC) is campaigning to raise money to fund litigation support to Alide Dasnois, the former editor of the Cape Times, for unfair dismissal. Dasnois has been dismissed as an employee of Independent Newspapers and was removed from her post as editor of the Cape Times in December 2013 - see ODAC website for full coverage.

Dasnois was awarded the 2014 Nat Nakasa award for courage and integrity in journalism.

Dasnois has instituted legal proceedings and will be referring a case to the Labour Court regarding what she will allege is Independent Newspapers' discriminatory conduct and violation of her right to free speech and editorial independence. She has been advised by her lawyers not to talk directly to the media at this stage of proceedings.

Dasnois's litigation case has initially been supported by attorneys and counsel acting pro bono. Some funding will be provided by the Media Legal Defence Initiative, but more will be needed to successfully litigate the matter.

ODAC goes on record as saying: "We believe this case is important in establishing the rights of editors and journalists to publish what is in the public's right to know. It will be an important test case around the balancing of the rights of media owners, and media workers. If we can find 100 people who can each give the Dasnois fund R1000, we can seek matching and other funds from donors, and have good prospects of running a solid case. ODAC, a registered non profit, will facilitate collecting funds for the litigation. ODAC works in the areas of access to information and whistle-blowing, and believes that the right to freedom of expression in the workplace is key to transparency and accountability, in government and in business. ”

ODAC is looking for at least 100 people who can all contribute R 1000 each towards the Dasnois fund in order to have good prospects of running a solid case. ODAC is leading this case because they believe the case will test the balancing of rights of media owners and media workers.

What You Can Do

Support Dasnois’ litigation by making a donation. ODAC can provide invoices for donations. Here are the banking details:

Open Democracy Advice Centre

Reference: Dasnois

Standard Bank

Acc no: 274 464 160

For more information call Alison Tilley from ODAC, 071 671 8654.


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