R2K: Hands off our internet campaign


You may not have heard of it, but the South African government has published a proposed law that would be disastrous for internet freedom - the draft Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Bill - and we have just five days to call for its scrapping.

The draft Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Bill is absurdly overbroad. If passed into law, it would give South Africa’s security agencies sweeping powers to police the internet. The Bill even tries to sneak in the worst clauses of the ‘Secrecy Bill’ through the back door.

In the name of making the internet a safer place, the draft Cybercrimes Bill would:

  • Criminalise journalists and whistleblowers by sneaking in the worst parts of the “Secrecy Bill”
  • Increase the state’s surveillance powers and is even more invasive than RICA Contain 59 new criminal offences involving computer usage – many of which are so broad that they could ensnare ordinary computer users
  • Contain anti-copyright provisions so harsh you could be criminalised for even posting a meme

Read more: What’s Wrong with the Cybercrimes Bill?

We accept the need for policies that promote genuine cybersecurity, but the Bill in its current form is so broad that it threatens the basic democratic spirit of the internet. The Bill's drafters at the Department of Justice have given until 14 December for public comments. This gives just days to send the message: this Bill needs to be scrapped entirely!

Join us in demanding that the Bill be withdrawn! Sign the petition, and spread the word!

Send the message: #HandsOffOurInternet


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