CASAC campaign on SAHRC nominations

CASAC has embarked on a campaign to promote public participation in the selection of seven new members of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).


The SAHRC is one of eight institutions provided for in Chapter Nine of the South African Constitution, and its members are appointed by Parliament. The ...

Dr Mathole Motshekga (ANC)


What is your political background and what attracted you to your political party?

I was born and bred in a rural area in Limpopo and my father worked as a ranger on a white-owned farm. I was 13 years old when my father and his white colleague got into an ...

Ms Tasneem Motara (ANC)


What is your political background? I joined the African National Congress (ANC) about 16 years ago. I grew up in a very politically active home: some of my family members were in exile, and some of them are still active in politics. I joined the ANC Youth League in 2000 ...

Freedom Week 2016: Stand for your Right to Organise!


Against the backdrop of deepening inequality, political upheaval, social instability and rising repression, the Right2Know campaign will again mark “Freedom Week” – 27 April (Freedom Day), 1 May (May Day) and 3 May (World Press Freedom Day) – in recognition of the struggles and victories that people across South Africa ...

The Week Ahead: All out Action in the Committee Corridor

It's a low key week in the main chambers with no sittings scheduled. All the parliamentary action will take place in the committee corridor where the schedule is bursting.

The legislature’s budget vote season shows no sign of slowing down as most days are packed with long meetings as committees ...

R2K: Hands off our internet campaign


You may not have heard of it, but the South African government has published a proposed law that would be disastrous for internet freedom - the draft Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Bill - and we have just five days to call for its scrapping.

The draft Cybercrimes & Cybersecurity Bill is ...

2015 SA Reconciliation Barometer Survey Briefing


Selected findings on reconciliation and nation building

Date: 8 December 2015

Time: 9.30 for 10.00

Venue: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation

Address: 105, Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town

“A majority of South Africans believe race relations have stayed the same or deteriorated since 1994.” - 2015 ...

Op-Ed: 'Application dismissed' - a reflection on My Vote Counts v The Speaker of Parliament, and losing


In light of Wednesday’s Constitutional Court judgment, it seems that everyone wants to 'win', everyone wants to be part of that moment when a victory is secured – no one more than My Vote Counts in a game in which we heavily invested. It’s so tempting to ...

Livity: Parliament Challenge Call Out

VIP Challenge

What is it?

VIP is opening up a crowd-sourced challenge to our community to suggest crucial issues, topics or policy ideas that young South Africa would like to present to parliament, dubbed the Parliament Challenge. The VIP team will work in conjunction with political experts, civil society organisations and MPs ...

SJC and Ndifuna Ukwazi: March to Parliament for Justice and Inequality


According to the Social Justice Coalition (SJC) and Ndifuna Ukwazi (NU), every day in Khayelitsha people are robbed, raped and murdered. Every day women, men, and children are deprived of the most basic rights to life, safety, security, justice and equality.

The Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry's report was released on ...

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