CASAC campaign on SAHRC nominations

CASAC has embarked on a campaign to promote public participation in the selection of seven new members of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).


The SAHRC is one of eight institutions provided for in Chapter Nine of the South African Constitution, and its members are appointed by Parliament. The selection process is being managed by the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, which will undertake a preliminary selection process and recommend seven candidates to the General Assembly.

Eighty people applied or were nominated. Of those, 18 were shortlisted to be interviewed on 13 and 14 October 2016.

The names and CVs of the shortlisted candidates can be viewed on the parliamentary website. To access the relevant section, click here.

The Committee has invited the public at large to give further inputs on the 18 nominees. Comments and/or objections to candidates can be forwarded to Mr Vhonani Ramaano, Committee Secretary, on or tel (021) 403-3820.

CASAC’s submission was handed to the Portfolio Committee on Friday 30 September, the deadline for the public participation process.

To download the CASAC submission, click on the link below.

CASAC submission on SAHRC candidates (30 September 2016)


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