2015 SA Reconciliation Barometer Survey Briefing


Selected findings on reconciliation and nation building

Date: 8 December 2015

Time: 9.30 for 10.00

Venue: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation

Address: 105, Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town

“A majority of South Africans believe race relations have stayed the same or deteriorated since 1994.” - 2015 SA Reconciliation Barometer Survey.

The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) invites you to the first in a series of releases of selected findings from the 2015 SA Reconciliation Barometer (SARB) Survey on national reconciliation, nation-building and race relations. The survey, the only of its kind in the country that measures South Africans’ attitudes towards national unity and reconciliation, was conducted amongst a nationally representative sample of South Africans during August and September this year in the period preceding and partially overlapping with country-wide student protests. Containing hard-hitting findings, raising both hope and concern, the briefing will provide insights on where the country finds itself on the road to national reconciliation, a weak ahead of the Day of National Reconciliation on the 16th of December.

For more information on the survey visit: http://reconciliationbarometer.org/

For media inquiries & RSVP, contact Wendy Mpatsi at Wendy@ijr.org.za or on 021 202 4022.


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