Right2Know marches against xenophobia


The Right2Know Campaign calls on all South Africans to join hands and lead the fight against Xenophobia. R2K is calling on the South African Police Service to practice restraint and calm, and to respect the rights of people to freely express their disapproval of xenophobic violence. They are asking government to show more political will to address the underlying causes of xenophobia as opposed to always being reactive.

R2K has organized the following marches across the country, and urges everyone to join the fight against xenophobia:

R2K Marches

Gauteng R2K: People’s March Against Xenophobia

This emergency coalition convened to confront the horrors of xenophobia in South Africa, taking a stand to denounce the violence and embrace unity. The coalition includes the Africa Diasporan Forum (ADF), CoRMSA, faith-based organisations, social movements such as the Treatment Action Campaign, Equal Education, Right2Know Campaign and Awethu!, trade unions such as FAWU, NUMSA, SACCAWU, SAFPU, SASAWU, CWU, PAWUSA, as well as the organisations; SECTION27, Corruption Watch and Doctors Without Borders. R2K Gauteng is part of the People's March Against Xenophobia initiative and will be marching from Peter Roos Park in Empire Road to Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown on the 23rd April starting at 1PM.

Members of the public are welcomed and encouraged to attend this People's March Against Xenophobia initiative.

KwaZulu-Natal: 27 April 2015

The African Solidarity Coalition and Abahlali base Mjondolo will be marching from King Dinuzulu Park at 10am on 27 April 2015.

R2K Western Cape: 1 May 2015

R2K Western Cape will be supporting a march organised for the 1st of May. More details of the march will be announce closer to the time.

For more information contact:

  • R2K KZN Coordinator: Phezu Ntetha (Cell: 082 715 7010)
  • R2K KZN Provincial Organiser: Joanne Adams (Cell: 083 498 1583)
  • R2K Gauteng Coordinator: Dale McKinley (Cell: 072 429 4086)
  • R2K Gauteng Provincial Organiser: Bongani Xezwi (Cell: 071 043 2221)
  • R2K National Organiser: Siviwe Mdoda (079 672 7809)

Or visit R2K’s website on www.r2k.org.za.

Community members who hear any threats or talks about possible attacks must immediately report those to the UNHCR xenophobia hotline on 082 570 8779.


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