SJC: Appeal for donations to defend wrongly accused human rights activists


The Social Justice Coalition (SJC) has put out an urgent appeal for donations to fund the legal defence of Angy Peter and Isaac Mbadu, two human rights activists who work for the SJC, charged with murder and kidnapping by the South African Police Service. The two activists were arrested in October 2012 and the trial is currently underway at the Western Cape High Court.

Both Peter and Mbadu have been vitally involved in campaigning to expose failings in the Khayelitsha criminal justice system and placing community pressure on police and prosecutors to uphold the law. As the case has progressed, witness statements and evidence presented by SAPS has made it increasingly clear that vindictive members of the police service have framed Peter and Mbadu because of the work that they’ve done in Khayelitsha.

Social activist, Zackie Achmat has said that “this case is not only important because both Peter and Mbadu, parents, face a possible life sentence, but if the police successfully frame Peter and Mbadu it will give them license to use the same tactics to ‘take out’ other vocal activists around the country”.

So far, legal costs up to and including the end of February 2014 amounted to approximately R550 000. Going forward it is anticipated that the costs required to complete the trial will be R700 000. Without donations, Angy and Isaac won’t be able to afford to retain their lawyers, and may lose their case.

“The wrongful conviction of Peter and Mbadu would be a tragic defeat for civil society, and an astounding blow to the credibility of the criminal justice system. Please give what you can. Every donation helps”, appealed Achmat.

If you would like to make a donation to the SJC to help fund their defence please make a payment into the following account:

Social Justice Coalition

  • Nedbank

  • Account No: 1009862383

  • Branch Code: 104609

  • Reference: Angy Isaac (this is important so that they know what the money is for)

Social Justice Coalition:

Thank you.


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