In the spotlight this week

With only two weeks left before Parliament rises, it is not a surprise that the National Assembly has planned two plenary sessions for Tuesday and the scheduled sittings for Wednesday and Thursday are expected to finish late in the day.

On Wednesday, the Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe will provide oral responses and the MPs will interrogate Ministers in the Economic cluster.

The main legislative event in the National Assembly this week is the second reading of the following Bills:

Labour Relations A/B [B 16D-12 (s75)]

Employment Services Bill [B 38D-12 (s75)]

SA Language Practitioners’ Council Bill [B 14D-13 (s75)]

ICASA A/B [B 18D-13 (s75)]

NEM: Protected Areas A/B [B 28B-13 (s75)]

Science & Technology Laws A/B [B 36B-13 (s75)]

Customs Duty Bill [B 43-13 (s77)]

Customs and Excise A/B [B 44B-13 (s75)]

Customs Control Bill [B 45B-13 (s75)]

Women Empowerment & Gender Equality Bill [B 50B-13 (s76)]

Property Valuation Bill [B 54B–2013 (s75)]

The main legislative event in the National Council of Provinces this week is the second reading of the following Bills:

NEM: Air Quality A/B [B 27D-13 (s76)]
Legal Metrology Bill [B 34B-13 (s76)]

Public Administration Management Bill [B 55B-13 (s76(2))]

Members of Parliament are still busy with committee work. Here is a run down of some of the most interesting meetings for this week.

On Tuesday a joint meeting of the standing and select committees on finance will hold public hearings on the budget tabled last week.

Also on the same day, South African Airways’ will present its long awaited annual report to the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, and MPs will carry out interviews with candidates for vacancies on the SABC board.

On Wednesday, the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises will receive a briefing from the SABC and Department of Communications on set-top boxes.

MPs’ attendance in the legislature will be scrutinised by the Joint Rules Committee as it is scheduled to receive a report on the matter from the Joint Whips’ Forum.

Also on the same day, the Correctional Services Portfolio Committee will hear from the Department about the implementation of medical parole conditions, the Mineral Resources Portfolio Committee will receive a briefing on mine health and safety and the Portfolio Committee on Public Works will be told how the extended public works programme will create job opportunities.

The Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration is scheduled to carry out public hearings on the Public Administration Management (PAM) Bill on Friday.


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