The TAC faces funding crisis - Needs your help!


The TAC recently released a statement responding to media claims that they “face closure”. Although the organisation is in severe financial distress, the TAC’s Lotti Rutter stated that they are “not facing imminent closure”. However, if the funding required (R30 million) is not raised by February 2015, they “will have to make tough decisions”. So far, only 30% of their budget has been raised.

The funding will be used to support the TAC’s campaigns and programmes that are run through their seven provincial offices and national office – programmes such as the treatment literacy programme, as well as the continuation of the HIV and TB programmes.

According to the TAC:

”The downscaling or closure of the TAC would be a major setback to our democracy and to South Africa’s response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. More than ever South Africa needs well-informed, membership-based organisations to empower communities and hold government and the private sector to account to the promise of the Constitution. One reason for the funding crisis is that despite approximately 400,000 new HIV infections every year in South Africa, the HIV epidemic is dropping down the political agenda in South Africa and internationally. Several foreign donors are withdrawing funding for AIDS and no longer funding the TAC or other civil society organisations as they did in the past.

The Board of Directors and the National Council of TAC are concerned both about the future of the TAC and the future of South Africa’s AIDS response. The TAC has campaigned successfully for the last 16 years to save countless lives of people living with HIV and TB through our advocacy and human rights campaigns. We have won a number of important court victories and helped set the stage for the large-scale rollout of antiretroviral medicines in the public sector. But TAC’s mission is far from complete. The challenges facing AIDS are far from over.”

The TAC will launch an official global fundraising campaign on 1 December 2014. In the mean time, please go to if you would like to make a contribution or contact the persons below for further information.

Nosipho Kota, TAC Communications Co-coordinator, 074 476 3857 Mark Heywood, TAC Board member, 083 634 8806

For more information, visit their website:


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