Inside SA’s cyber-insecurity problem

By Jane Duncan

A new Bill threatens our digital rights and raises the spectre of internet censorship.

South Africa has one of the highest rates of cybercrime in the world. So it is hardly surprising that more people are looking to the government to step in and do something about ...

The Week Ahead: Higher Education, Questions & Legislation dominate the programme

After a low key week, the main chambers have scheduled a broad and busy programme, which includes oral questions to the executive; ministerial and members’ statements, policy debates, and the processing of assorted bills, statutory instruments and committee reports.

In the National Assembly, the main plenary event will be the ...

The Week Ahead: All eyes on Minister of Finance as he presents mini-budget

Committees will continue examining government departments and state entities on their 2014/15 Annual Reports in preparation of their Budgetary Review and Recommendations Reports. These reports may include proposals on the future use of resources and are a critical part of Parliament’s engagement with the budget for the following year.

The ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament's fourth term kicks off

Parliament resumes this week after a two-week constituency period. The fourth term will run for seven weeks and the programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include committee, oversight and legislative work; oral questions to the executive and a review of the national budget.

Later this month, the ...

Infographic: The Fifth Parliament 2015 - Third Term Review

With the third term of Parliament done and dusted, the People’s Assembly takes a look at some of the legislature’s activities from this period. The review provides a snapshot of the number of working days, bills processed, and questions asked (plus how many were answered) for the 21 July to ...

The Week Ahead: End of Third Term

The constituency period beckons but there is still time for a fair amount of heavy-duty business before MPs depart.

With little scheduled in the main chambers, the committee corridor will be the main source of parliamentary action, where there are several hearings on important issues and detailed legislating.

The lone ...

The Week Ahead: Most of the parliamentary action is in the committee corridor

There's a humdrum flavour to this week's parliamentary business in the National Assembly chamber - with MPs finishing off legislation, processing assorted statutory instruments and reports, making statements and discussing matters of public importance.

The major highlight will be the question session involving the Deputy President and Ministers in the ...

Hands off our internet

By: Rofhiwa Maneta

Recently, the Film and Publications Board successfully submitted their draft Online Regulation Policy for consideration by Parliament. The proposed policy aims to regulate content published on the internet to make sure it does not contain hate speech or child pornography. Content uploaded on the net would have ...

The Week Ahead: Debates, heated exchanges and extensive legislative work

After a low key week, the main chambers have scheduled a broad and busy programme, which includes a motion to impeach the President, oral questions to the Deputy President and Economic Cluster; ministerial and members’ statements, policy discussions and debates, and the processing of assorted bills and statutory instruments.

In ...

Parliament discusses teenage pregnancy and education

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This week marked the midpoint of parliament’s third term. On Wednesday, parliament was host to a number of sittings directly related to young people. The NYDA presented its performance for the first quarter of the financial year to the Portfolio Committee of Monitoring and Evaluation. Similarly, ministers ...

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