The Right Not to Vote

With the 2014 elections fast approaching, some media reports have bemoaned levels of voter apathy in South Africa, with The Citizen declaring “SA Voter Apathy Worrying” (The Citizen, 4 March, 2014) and The Star calling for “Change Needed to Fight Voter Apathy” (The Star, 7 November 2013). But while ...

Party funding, the illness at the heart of our society

1 APR 2014

Secret funding of political parties poses a serious threat to a strong, independent and democratic society as it enables a tiny minority of influential people and corporations to exercise an electoral influence stronger than a single vote. Secrecy breeds corruption, and it’s making our democracy ...

How your vote is kept secret

As a means of ensuring free and fair elections, the secret ballot voting method guarantees voter confidentiality and helps to protect them from any attempts to influence their decision through bribery and intimidation.

South Africa’s elections are just around the corner. Have you ever wondered how the Independent Electoral Commission ...

Roundtable on Empowerment and Rights of Women, Children and Elderly focuses on Gender Based Violence

During his welcome address at the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) roundtable on empowerment and the rights of women, children and the elderly, NCOP Chairperson Mahlangu said that vulnerable groups needs the protection of the primary institution of law making, namely parliament.

Mahlangu added that although the “law is good, ...

“We are ready to run these elections” says IEC

The Home Affairs Portfolio Committee received a briefing by the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) today, with mostly positive stories from the IEC regarding their preparation and state of readiness for the national election, come 7 May 2014.

IEC Deputy Chairperson, Terry Tselane, told the Committee that although “we ...

#Get to know your MPs in the Twittersphere

The People’s Assembly website has been set up to bridge the divide between ordinary citizens and their elected representatives. One of the ways we do this is by providing contact details- this includes parliamentary office numbers, constituency office numbers and personal cell phone numbers- of MPs.

However in this technological ...

83% do not know where their local constituency office is

Our current survey shows that 83% of online visitors to the People’s Assembly did not know where their local constituency office is located. Parliament spent R203 million last year to provide these constituency offices.

The People's Assembly website focuses on MP accountability. SA does not have a constituency system where ...

Public health infrastructure remains a challenge as NHI is rolled out

Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, briefed MPs of the Health Portfolio Committee today, 26 February, on the roll out of the National Health Insurance (NHI) programme and the progress made so far throughout the provinces.

The NHI is being implemented as a way to make quality health care available for ...

#Fixthebudget Protest Outside Parliament


Singing, chanting slogans and waving #Fixthebudget placards,civil society advocacy groups and NGOS such as the Treatment Action (TAC) Campaign, Section 27, the Budget and Expenditure Monitoring Forum (BEMF), the Progressive Youth Movement and others, gathered outside the gates of Parliament on Tuesday, 25 February, to voice their concerns around tomorrow's ...

SONA: Zuma on Chapter 9 institutions, anti-corruption and violent service delivery protests


Early on in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) last night, President Jacob Zuma made mention of the institutions that check and balance our democracy:

“We have Chapter 9 institutions which support democracy and protect the rights of citizens. The liberations have also created space for an active civil ...

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