Parliament must focus on scrutinising executive action

By Lawson Naidoo

IN THE political storm — not yet a tsunami — following the judgment of the Constitutional Court in the Nkandla case, we should be careful not to lose sight of key constitutional principles the court clarified. This seminal, unanimous judgment cogently explains the supremacy of the Constitution, ...

Call to Action: Challenging Mass Surveillance

The Media Policy and Democracy Project (MPDP) and the Right2Know Campaign invite you to an afternoon strategy discussion to bring together activists, unionists, human rights lawyers, students and academics to confront communications surveillance issues in South Africa.


Recent years have seen a range of scandals and revelations about abuses of ...

The Week Ahead: It’s all about lawmaking, debates and budget hearings

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the National Assembly chamber this week. Everything from a motion of no confidence debate in the President, to oral questions to the Deputy President and Ministers in the Economic Cluster and members' statements dominate the agenda. Over in the NCOP, ...

SONA: Go for the Big Five, President Zuma, you have nothing to lose

By Judith February.

The President should focus on the multi-dimensional nature of South Africa’s crisis: from the economy, to racial polarisation, securitisation of the state, dysfunction and maladministration at local government, the problems are easily identifiable. The SONA should be easy to write. Go for the Big Five, and you’re ...

Parliament in 2016: what to expect

From the local government elections to political battles, 2016 promises to be another turbulent year in Parliament. Also high on the agenda are contentious legislation, domestic challenges, the state of the economy and public accountability. We preview some of the main issues that will dominate the headlines in 2016.

More ...

Corruption and political party funding

By Matthew Kruger

Corruption and political party funding: Debating the means to a desirable end

Political questions rarely have easy answers. Even when we agree that a particular goal is desirable - end corruption, for example - we often disagree over the appropriate means to that end. Here I consider ...

Op-Ed: 'Application dismissed' - a reflection on My Vote Counts v The Speaker of Parliament, and losing


In light of Wednesday’s Constitutional Court judgment, it seems that everyone wants to 'win', everyone wants to be part of that moment when a victory is secured – no one more than My Vote Counts in a game in which we heavily invested. It’s so tempting to ...

Broadband connections for schools

Oversight is a function granted by the Constitution to Parliament to oversee effective management of government action. How it is done in practice is that a parliamentary committee is assigned one department to oversee and often, to get to the nitty gritty, the committee will go on an oversight visit ...

The Week Ahead: End of Third Term

The constituency period beckons but there is still time for a fair amount of heavy-duty business before MPs depart.

With little scheduled in the main chambers, the committee corridor will be the main source of parliamentary action, where there are several hearings on important issues and detailed legislating.

The lone ...

The Week Ahead: Debates, heated exchanges and extensive legislative work

After a low key week, the main chambers have scheduled a broad and busy programme, which includes a motion to impeach the President, oral questions to the Deputy President and Economic Cluster; ministerial and members’ statements, policy discussions and debates, and the processing of assorted bills and statutory instruments.

In ...

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