SAPS’ top brass hand out contact details to community members

At the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) roundtable on empowerment and the rights of women, children and the elderly yesterday in Parliament, General Khehla John Sithole, Deputy National Commissioner of Policing Operations, told MPs that the police top brass were taking steps to improve policing in the country.

Deputy Chairperson ...

Department of Correctional Services reports back on medical parole

On Tuesday, 5 March, the Department of Correctional Services briefed the Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services on the implementation of the Medical Parole Provision of the Correctional Matters Amendment Act 2011 (Act no 5 of 2011).

As the Constitution makes provision for inmates to have the right to adequate health ...

SONA Debate, Day 2: ANC hits back, House gets rowdy

Punctuated by heckling, insult trading and truckloads of rhetoric, Tuesday 19 February saw the second day of the two-day State of the Nation (SONA) debates descend into a rather raucous state of affairs. Amid the now hackneyed use of the “good news” refrain, laundry lists of national government policy successes ...

State of the Province Address – All you need to know

Following the President’s State of the Nation Address, the Premiers from all 9 provinces will deliver their State of the Province Addresses over the next two weeks.

The State of the Province Address is a localised version of the State of the Nation Address where Premiers reflect on and ...

Section 27 Article: Voters should demand the right to know political sugar-daddies

Political party funding: Who pays the Piper? Who calls the tune? by Mark Heywood

In less than four months, in compliance with our Constitution’s injunction that gives “every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution” the Independent ...

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