Infographic: How wind energy will benefit SA in the future

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) and the solar industry briefed Parliament last week on the status of alternative energy sources. DTI highlighted the importance of the Renewable Energy programme in the South African economy, with wind energy set to play a ...

The Week Ahead: Busy Committee & Plenary Programme

The main chambers have scheduled a broad and busy programme this week, which includes a motion of no confidence vote in the President, oral questions to the Deputy President and Social Services Cluster, a debate on the funding situation in the higher education sector as well as a joint sitting ...

LiveMagSA: Dark days for Eskom

By Rofhiwa Maneta

What on Earth is happening at Eskom? If the past few days’ events are anything to go by, no one really knows. We’re all in the dark. This week the national electricity utility suspended their CEO Tshediso Matona along with three other executives, pending an inquiry on ...

Read President Jacob Zuma's 2015 State of the Nation speech here:

State of the Nation Address by His Excellency Jacob G Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa on the occasion of the Joint Sitting Of Parliament Cape Town,

The Speaker of the National Assembly, The Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and ...

Black Sash poses questions to President before 2015 SONA

President Jacob Zuma, tonight you will present the State of the Nation Address (SoNA) to a joint sitting of Parliament. Below are some questions we wish to pose to you.

Honorable President Zuma, you told us this time last year that government’s monitoring and evaluation efforts indicate “an improvement in ...

Minister of Finance Medium Term Budget Policy Statement

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speech 2014

By Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene

Honourable Speaker Mister President Deputy President Cabinet Colleagues and Deputy Ministers Governor and Governor-Designate of the Reserve Bank MECs of Finance Honourable Members Fellow South Africans

It is my privilege to present the 2014 Medium Term Budget ...

Operational and financial challenges ahead for Eskom hears Committee

On Tuesday, 29 July 2014, Eskom briefed a joint meeting of the Portfolio Committees for Energy and Public Enterprises. Attended by Ministers for Energy and Public Enterprises, the joint meeting came about as the result of the enormous challenges that Eskom is facing. The entity briefed the Committees on the ...

Infographic: The Economic Development Department on SA’s growth and unemployment

Earlier this week, the Department of Economic Development (EDD) briefed the Select Committee on Economic and Business Development on progress made on the implementation of the New Growth Path (NGP), which according to the EDD, was “developed to address the legacy of inequality with regard to access to resources, skills, ...

Local Government getting back to basics, says Minister

In his Budget Vote address yesterday, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Pravin Gordhan, told MPs “the test of change is when citizens themselves attest that they have a decent living environment, they enjoy safety for themselves and their children, they can easily access educational and health facilities, they are ...

2014-2024: “The Decade of the Artisan”

A matter of concern raised by students during the 2014 elections was the lack of employment opportunities for qualified graduates. The current skills market has undergone various changes in line with the future needs of the economy.

In the briefing by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) to ...

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