The week ahead

The main source of parliamentary action this week will be in the National Assembly chamber as MPs debate the President’s State of the Nation Address. Members of Parliament will be afforded an opportunity to state their views on Tuesday and Wednesday and the President will get his turn to ...

State of the Province Address – All you need to know

Following the President’s State of the Nation Address, the Premiers from all 9 provinces will deliver their State of the Province Addresses over the next two weeks.

The State of the Province Address is a localised version of the State of the Nation Address where Premiers reflect on and ...

Section 27 Article: Voters should demand the right to know political sugar-daddies

Political party funding: Who pays the Piper? Who calls the tune? by Mark Heywood

In less than four months, in compliance with our Constitution’s injunction that gives “every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution” the Independent ...


Current Calls for Comment - where you can have you say: click here

It is important for citizens to make themselves heard on matters affecting them, by making submissions to the two Houses of Parliament. The Constitution allows the public to participate in government's decisions in terms of law making, ...

Limpopo Intervention: Parliament acknowledges improvements

The Select Committee on Finance met with the Premier of Limpopo, the Anti-Corruption Task Team (ACTT), and other provincial departments in Limpopo, almost two years after Cabinet placed the province under administration in December 2011 following its shocking financial collapse with a R2 billion shortfall.   Two years ago health, ...

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