The Week Ahead: President Zuma set to answer oral questions

President Zuma will grab the limelight this week when he answers oral questions in the National Assembly.

His previous question session last August was cut short when EFF Members interrupted proceedings and chanted “pay back the money”. That led to the suspension and fines imposed on 20 EFF MPs, which ...

The Week Ahead: Questions, Debates & Legislating

The National Assembly (NA) chamber has scheduled a broad and busy programme this week, which includes a motion of no confidence vote in the President, oral questions to the Deputy President and Peace and Security Cluster as well as a debate to mark International Women’s Day.

The motion was tabled ...

LiveMagSA: How the budget speech tackles youth issues

By Rofhiwa Maneta

On Tuesday, the Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene delivered his maiden budget speech to the National Assembly. It was a speech that announced the first income tax increase in 20 years, an increase in sin tax and an increased fuel levy that is set to trigger an ...

Infographic: Tax changes according to the 2015 budget

Yesterday, during his budget speech, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene informed the country of upcoming tax increases. As expected, there will be tax increases on personal income tax, sin tax (alcohol and cigarettes), and fuel levies. Taxable income is set to increase for anyone earning over R181 900 a year. ...

Infographic: The 2015 budget simplified

Today, the Minister of Finance, Mr Nhlanhla Nene gave his first budget speech in Parliament. As predicted by People's Assembly, the speech touched on pressing matters such as the energy crisis and proposed tax changes.

The Minister told citizens that the country's projected economic growth for 2015 was expected ...

The Week Ahead: All about the budget and some legislating

Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene's budget speech on Wednesday will dominate the headlines this week. The Minister has a tough job to do as he seeks to address significant social challenges and reassure investors about the country’s growth prospects.

During his 2014 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speech, the Minister ...

Minister of Finance Medium Term Budget Policy Statement

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speech 2014

By Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene

Honourable Speaker Mister President Deputy President Cabinet Colleagues and Deputy Ministers Governor and Governor-Designate of the Reserve Bank MECs of Finance Honourable Members Fellow South Africans

It is my privilege to present the 2014 Medium Term Budget ...

The Week Ahead: All eyes on Minister of Finance as he presents mini-budget

Following last week’s hectic schedule, Parliament has eased up this week, but only just a touch. Committees will continue examining government departments and state entities on their 2013/14 Annual Reports in preparation of their Budgetary Review and Recommendations Reports. These reports may include proposals on the future use of resources ...

The Week Ahead: Third term kicks off

Parliament resumes this week after a two-week constituency period. The third term will run for seven weeks and the programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include oversight and legislative work, questions to the Executive, review of the national budget and the National Council of Province’s Oversight Week. ...

The Week Ahead: Another showdown in Parliament

Another week and another showdown is looming in Parliament. Last week, five opposition parties (DA, EFF, COPE, UDM and FF+) tabled a motion of no confidence in the Speaker of Parliament. They accused her, amongst other things, of being partisan and stifling criticism of the executive arm of government. The ...

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