SANDF facilities in disrepair: Defence Department holds Public Works responsible

Today, Secretary of Defence, Dr Sam Gulube, reported back to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans about the strained relations between the Departments of Defence and Public Works with regards to a massive backlog in the poor maintenance of South African National Defence Force (SANDF) facilities.

The backlog ...

Controversial WEGE Bill is adopted by Committee amid protest

The Portfolio Committee on Women, Children and People with Disabilities adopted the Women Empowerment Gender Equality (WEGE) Bill on Tuesday, 26 February, after controversial in-committee protests by the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT).

According to a statement released by Parliament, this Bill “marks yet another important step towards ...

Breaking down the budget: Your Minister on job creation and social spending

On Wednesday, 26 February, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan tabled the Budget in Parliament. The national budget is essentially the announcement of government’s estimated spending (dividing state coffers between the three ties of the state), borrowing and tax plans for the forthcoming three years.

Nene-Gordhan Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has a word ...

You can get a tax break... if you save

During the pre-budget speech on Wednesday morning, 26 February, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said it was essential that people started “developing a savings culture in South Africa” and found ways to “get out of the debt trap” as “consumerism was replacing society” both here and abroad.

The good news for ...

Parliament demands inclusive education for children with disabilities

On Wednesday, 19 February, the Public Service and Administration Committee received a joint briefing by the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities on the crucial issue of access to schools for children with disabilities.

In her opening statement, Chairperson of the Committee, ...

SONA Debate, Day 2: ANC hits back, House gets rowdy

Punctuated by heckling, insult trading and truckloads of rhetoric, Tuesday 19 February saw the second day of the two-day State of the Nation (SONA) debates descend into a rather raucous state of affairs. Amid the now hackneyed use of the “good news” refrain, laundry lists of national government policy successes ...

SAA reports back to Parliament on its Turnaround Strategy

Following a controversial R550-million government bailout last year, the South African Airways (SAA) had to report back to the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises on Wednesday, 19 February, on the turnaround strategy that would help get the airline on track again.

During the course of his briefing on ...

SONA Debate, Day 1: Opposition MPs open Nkandla(flood)gate

The first day of the two-day State of the Nation Address (SONA) debate saw opposition MPs pour scorn on Nkandlagate. Addressing the National Assembly on Tuesday 18 February, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Lindiwe Mazibuko, said "I want to use this opportunity to send a very clear ...

Black Sash warns Committee about illegal lending to the poor

During its deliberations on the National Credit Amendment Bill, the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry called in Black Sash, to brief members on the impact of unscrupulous lending on poor communities, specifically individuals who receive grants from the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA).

Black Sash national ...

SONA: Zuma on Chapter 9 institutions, anti-corruption and violent service delivery protests


Early on in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) last night, President Jacob Zuma made mention of the institutions that check and balance our democracy:

“We have Chapter 9 institutions which support democracy and protect the rights of citizens. The liberations have also created space for an active civil ...

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