The Week Ahead: Motion of No Confidence, Question Time & Legislation top the agenda

There's both high policy and low politics on display in the main chambers this week, with appearances by the deputy president and ministers in the economic cluster (combining both of the above, no doubt).

Beyond this, the DA's motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma is scheduled for Thursday. ...

Ms Semakaleng Kopane (DA)

The time to vote based on emotional sentiments is gone and people should vote for a party that can bring about change.


What is your political background?

I joined the Democratic Alliance (DA) in 2003 and I always had an interest in politics before even joining the DA. I became ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament’s budget vote in the spotlight

The Legislature's budget vote, scheduled for Thursday, is the main plenary event this week. In their speeches, the presiding officers will underscore the role of Parliament in our democracy, talk about the challenges facing the institution, highlight a few successes, outline the allocation for each programme and give some detail ...

Infographic: Mining - occupational diseases, injuries & fatalities

The Department of Mineral Resources presented its 2016 Annual Performance Plan to the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources on Tuesday, 3 May 2016. As a prelude to its Mine Health and Safety programme plan, they provided an overview of the prevalence of occupational diseases, fatality rates and injury rates. The ...

The Week Ahead: Drama as New Term Kicks off

Parliament resumes this week after a two-week constituency period. The second term will run for 8 weeks and its culmination will trigger several weeks of campaigning ahead of the municipal elections.

The programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include committee, oversight and legislative work; oral questions to ...

Infographic: Burden of Disease in SA

The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) presented the findings of its national burden of disease study for 1997 to 2010 to the Select Committee on Social Services on Tuesday, 16 March 2016. The findings outlined the leading causes of deaths and mortality estimates.

There had been a nine-year increase ...

The week ahead – President to answer oral questions

It's a week of farewells and loose ends.

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart on Friday and return on 12 April. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go with lots of action scheduled in the main chambers and committee corridor.

The ...

Parliament and the Budget

Each year Parliament authorises taxes and public expenditure which provides the Government with the money it needs to deliver its policies and run vital services in areas such as Health, Education and Defence. The Budget allocates money between the three spheres of government (national, provincial, local) based on revenue collected. ...

Infographic: Public Participation Snapshot

On 29 September 2015, the Dullah Omar Institute held a roundtable discussion that explored whether working with South African Legislatures is still a valuable investment for civil society. The discussion, “ South Africa’s Legislatures in 2015: What’ the point?” used research done on public participation trends for the portfolio committees ...

Livity: Parliament Challenge Call Out

VIP Challenge

What is it?

VIP is opening up a crowd-sourced challenge to our community to suggest crucial issues, topics or policy ideas that young South Africa would like to present to parliament, dubbed the Parliament Challenge. The VIP team will work in conjunction with political experts, civil society organisations and MPs ...

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